Welcome back for term two! Find your next event or taster session

Wondering what's happening during Welcome Week? You're in the right place. Here's the lowdown on everything happening, from the Welcome Fair to our nightlife wristband.

Monday 23 September - Sustainability Day

We're starting the week as we mean to go on with a day full of fun at our Sustainability Takeover Day. Embrace eco-friendliness with the help of freebies from Tony's Chocolonely, various sessions and activities surrounding sustainable living, and UCL MODO's annual upcycling workshop & fashion show.

As well as this, there's lots of other events going on - our LGBTQ+ Network and International Network breakfasts, as well as our Undergraduate Welcome Quiz and a show from Drag Society in the evening. And if you've got a nightlife wristband, we'll see you at Scala's Beach Party...

Cult classic: Poster Sale

Wildcard: HipHop Taster

Tuesday 24 September - Intercultural Societies Day

Join us for a day of cultural exchange, unity, and community spirit, with various workshops and performances from our wonderful cultural societies. We'll be celebrating our global community with music, dance, food, art and more. Everyone is welcome to join our cultural societies, so feel free to chat to any of them at our society fair.

Also on Tuesday, we've got the iconic UCL Comedy Club's first Comedy Night of the year; or if you want to try something new, how about a Salsa Society taster at UCL East or our Men's Health Active Pickleball Taster?

Cult classic: Plant Sale

Wednesday 25 September - TeamUCL Takeover Day

TeamUCL takeover day is always a big one - try your hand at judo, get lifted up by our cheerleading team, or make your own smoothie with Project Active's bike powered blender. Bloomsbury Fitness, your on campus gym, will also be showing off their space with free pilates and dance fit tasters. Finish the day off in true UCL student fashion with Sports Night at Scala.

Not feeling sporty? No worries. Venture beyond campus with our vintage bus tour or our boat party on the Thames, or take your pick between our Postgraduate Welcome Quiz or our Postgraduate Cheese & Wine Night (non-alcoholic options available).

Cult classic: Sports Night

Thursday 26 September - artsUCL Takeover Day

Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of the arts at artsUCL's takeover day, full of performances from Dram Society, Musical Theatre Society, K-POP Society and more. We'll have stalls with societies covering all manners of creative pursuits, from graphic novel creation to stand-up comedy classes.

Beyond the Main Quad, we've got various speedfriending sessions from our LGBTQ+, International and Mature & Part-Time networks and Postgraduate Research community. There's also the Vintage Fair all day, and Taylor Swift karaoke in the evening.

Must go: artsUCL Fair

Cult classic: Vintage Fair

Friday 27 September - Community Day

Brand new on our weekday line-up, we've got Community Takeover Day. As a student at UCL, you immediately are part of a student community of 50,000. But, as big as it is, our student community is also a really important part of the Camden and London communities as well. There's so much potential for fun, social justice, skills, careers, and lasting friendships between you and your new neighbours... 1000s of amazing local charities, social enterprises and other non-profits. There's a LOT going on on this takeover day, so we've got lots of suggestions on how to spend it depending on your interests.

Cult classic: Silent Disco

Welcome Fair, Saturday 28 September & Sunday 29 September

It’s the big one with all the stalls, performances and freebies. Last year, 14,000 students flocked to the Main Quad to learn about the Union, meet clubs and societies and stock up on free pens and tote bags. It's always one of the highlights of the year, let alone the week! But with more than 200 stalls to visit, it's a pretty major affair. 

You’ll be able to book your free ticket from Monday 23 September. Once you’re in, you’ll be able to find out more about all our groups. Don’t worry about deciding which ones to join, though – you can do that online at any time you like. Welcome Fair is all about asking questions and getting a taste of what student-led groups do. 

We’ll have performances throughout the day in the Wilkins Terrace and the Main Quad, so you’ll want to hang around and soak up the atmosphere – the vibes are unbeatable. Block out a few hours in your schedule to truly enjoy the fair to its full extent. Read our insider's guide to the fair to find out what it's all about.

If you can’t make it, don’t worry – you can browse all of our clubs and societies online, attend their taster activities throughout the month and ask them any questions via email/their social media platforms. They’ll be more than happy to help you!