Welcome back for term two! Find your next event or taster session

Navigating any finance system can feel a bit daunting. 

We have been working hard over the past few years to streamline our processes and make it easier for you to manage your club or society's money. 

Need to know

You have two types of accounts: grant and non-grant. These are used for different things.

Grant Non-grant
  • Funds allocated to you by the Union
  • These funds are applied for annually
  • This money is allocated to specific activities throughout the year, eg hire of training facilities or speaker fees.
  • Anything unspent at the end of the year (31 July) will be reclaimed by the Union. 
  • This is your own income - anything that you get that isn't via our grant. 
  • Membership fees, sponsorship, ticket sales, fundraising all go into this pot.
  • This rolls over year on year and there is no spending dealing
  • This money cannot be spent on anything other than it was allocated to.
  • This money can be spent on anything required for your core activities.

You will have been emailed your club or society three letter account code which identifies spending/income as belonging to your group (e.g. RUMS Rugby = RGR, Musical Theatre = MUT). You will need to use this whenever you are completing finance forms along with the relevant finance income/expenditure code.

In light of the current situation we have changed the way we allocate grant funds for 2020/21 academic year. For more information and to apply for grant funding though out the year please go here: Grant Application Form 2021/22.

How to get stuff done

Funding and Sponsorship


​Looking for sports specific finance stuff?

Like paying your coaches? That's all here.