Privacy and Data Protection
To comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) we must ask your permission to store and use your information.
Personal data is data which can be used to identify you; for example your name, date of birth, address, contact details, student number and your academic course. In order for us to advise you, we will need to collect your personal data. If you are a UCL student, we will access this data from the Students' Union's student database.
We also record special categories of personal data where it is relevant to your case or helpful for the administration of our service. This may include information on your racial or ethnic origin, gender, political opinions, religious beliefs, trade union membership, health, sexual orientation/preference, offences and/or convictions. This is not required for us to advise you, but it can help us ensure we offer you the most appropriate and accessible service for you.
We also use this information to produce aggregated data of our service users to inform improvements to our provision and ensure that we are accessible to all UCL students. This data is purely for statistical analysis and is always anonymised.
Your personal data together with your case records will be stored safely and confidentially in a secure web-based case management system. This system can only be accessed by staff working in the Advice Service. If necessary, some information may be stored in a paper file which is held securely in the Advice Service and only accessed by staff working in the Advice Service.
Your personal data and case records will be stored on our systems until your case has ended. After we have closed your case, your information will be held for a further 6 years and then destroyed.
We will not share your personal data with any other party unless you have given us your express consent and it will only be shared where it is relevant to your case. We will not share your information without your consent unless required to do so by law.
By completing this form you agree to the collection, use and storage of personal information as described above.
For information about Students’ Union UCL data protection more generally, please see our Data Protection and Privacy Policy.