What will a dissertation do for us?

Bottom line, a 10,000 word dissertation is not very useable way of packing up information! It is the key output for our students and is a very important product of any collaborative research. However, we expect any student working in collaboration with a Community Partner to think about co-creating a useful and useable product - from your perspective.

What can I expect instead?

In addition to the dissertation itself, which will be of interest to many Partners, you can expect what we call the Community Product. This is discussed and agreed during your working together and is most likely to be produced after the dissertation submission. This happens for most students in September.

The Community Product is yours and will be part of the research agreement you make with any student.

What have others done?

Community Products can be really varied and is often a really exciting and new way of communicating for the student. They are likely to learn a lot from you. Examples include:

  • Webinar sharing technical information with a Q&A session
  • Executive summary reports
  • Twitter posts
  • Scoping review, with reading/reference list
  • Contributions to funding applications
  • Departmental presentations
  • Presentations to Trustees