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Supporting community-student partnership working

The Community Research Initiative is all about creating ways for voluntary & community sector organisations to meet our top quality students. This is part UCL's commitment to working with and for its local community. Co-designing and working in partnership on research is part of this.

There's several ways to get started and you can choose depending on your capacity, readiness-for-research, or what you're working on right now.

Not sure what's right for you? Check your research-readiness!

Ready to go! Go ahead and use our Community Noticeboard to submit projects during October to March

Not quite sure I'm ready! Try our free consultancy clinic and build your own project brief with the guidance of a small group of trained PhD students

Help! Why not start with a 1:1 with the Community Research Initiative manager where you will learn to articulate what you do, why you do it, and how you measure it.