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The Participation Fund is a pot of money current UCL students can apply for to help enable them to take part in Students’ Union UCL clubs and societies as well as any other co-curricular or extra-curricular activities. Financial barriers can be especially hard for some students and that should not prevent them from having amazing co-curricular and extra-curricular experiences and opportunities.

The funds will be awarded based on an individual’s financial needs, and can be used to help cover the costs of membership fees, or any other associated costs (such as kit, specialist equipment, travel or room hire for example).

The fund is open to all UCL students of all programmes of study and for use in any Students’ Union UCL affiliated club or society. Students can also apply for funding to support other co-curricular and extra-curricular activities they are involved in whilst studying at UCL.

Students can apply to the fund if they are able to demonstrate they would face a significant financial barrier to participating in extra or co-curricular activity, such as (not an exhaustive list):

  1. Paying the membership fee to join a club, society or similar UCL activity
  2. The costs of taking part in club or society core activity
  3. Joining Bloomsbury Fitness
  4. The costs of attending an extra-curricular or co-curricular event
  5. Purchasing or renting equipment or specialist clothing required to take part in a club, society or other similar activity
  6. Purchasing or renting adaptive equipment for disabled students taking part in club, society or other similar activity
  7. Taking part in a voluntary activity with a local group or charity
  8. Being involved in an activity run by our Reps or Officers
  9. Attending or presenting at a conference or other event (that is not a core part of the course of study)
  10. Taking part in an international trek, project or leadership/representation activity

An example of a request that would be considered for funding:

A student wishes to purchase football boots to take part in the football club or needs assistance with the membership fee. (Applicants will have to show they have considered good value for money in their request)

An example of something that is unlikely to be funded:

A student applies for funding to attend a society social holiday/trip abroad, or to take part in social events relating to alcohol.

There is no minimum amount students can apply for, but the maximum award available is £250. In exceptional circumstances we may consider applications in excess of £250, but we anticipate most awards will be within this limit.

Applications can be made no more than once per term. Additional applications will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.

If you are thinking about applying to the fund, please complete the contact form below.

This is not an emergency fund, so please allow at least 15 working days from submitting the contact form until the funds are needed.

Your contact form is confidential and will be sent to our Advice Service who will arrange an appointment for you with an Advisor. This Advisor will discuss your application with you, including what you are seeking funding for and what your current financial barriers may be. The Advice Service can offer wider financial advice (including how to maximise your income) and may signpost you to additional funding sources if appropriate.

After your appointment, the Advisor will submit an anonymous application to the Activities and Engagement Officer for consideration at the next Finance Panel (which meets every Tuesday).

The decision made by the Finance Panel will be sent to your Advisor, who will pass it on to you so the whole process remains confidential. If your application is successful, you Advisor will arrange to have the funds transferred to you.


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