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It is important for the Activities Team to know details about your trip or tour, to make sure you’re insured for all your activities. We also want to make sure that Presidents have thought about anything that could go wrong, as ultimately it is the President who’s responsible for any excess costs incurred to the society, injuries and safety of the Club or Society’s members.

Please note if your event involves a high risk activity, all participants must fill out a High Risk Activity Personal Details Form.

Step 1

Complete an Activity Registration Form in line with the appropriate deadlines. Please see our How-To Guide on drawing up an event budget for instructions and advice on completing this form.

Step 2

Complete an Additional Activity (Risk Assessment) and Overnight Stay Form and, if your trip or tour involves an overnight stay, make sure you complete the Overnight Stay Section of this form. Your form must be submitted online at least 10 working days before your trip or tour if it is based in the UK, and at least 8 weeks before if it is based abroad.

This will give us all the details about who is going on the trip, and where you are going. It also includes a risk assessment, which must be filled in in detail. Think about all the activities you will be doing, and what risks could happen during it. There is a Hazard list that should give you some guidance on the risks that you could encounter. Each individual risk should have it's own row. This is so we can distinguish the controls in place and ensure you have carefully thought about each one.

If you are a sports club planning on competing abroad you may need to seek approval to travel from your National Governing Body. If you are unsure whether this affects you, please contact Team UCL, and the Sports Development Coordinator will be able to check.

Step 3

If the Sports Development or Societies and Media Manager do not think your risk assessment is sufficient, they will ask you to revise it. We must have an approved version at least 1 week before you go on the trip, so give yourself time to complete it properly and update it if you need to (i.e. if the trip changes, people drop out etc).

You must also complete the Participants section of the Additional Activity Registration Form - this can be sent to us 1 week prior to the event taking place.

Step 4

If you are going abroad, make sure your members get their own travel insurance. They can either do this individually, or the trip organiser can organise it for the group. If members are doing it individually, get a photocopy of the insurance schedule from each of them. If you are doing activities such as skiing, make sure members are covered to do it – not all insurance does cover sports activity.

Step 5

Follow the appropriate procedures for spending money and organising the rest of the tour. Also make sure you familiarise yourself with the guide on What to do if there is an accident during one my activities. A complete list of all our How to guides can be found here.

Step 6

Go on your tour or trip and have an excellent time!

Remember that you are representing UCL and the Union, so please behave appropriately to avoid issues afterwards and to keep members safe and happy.

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