Zero Food Waste is a student-led project at UCL that aims to tackle food waste on campus. We redistribute food from where it is in excess to where it is in need: from UCL cafés to homeless shelters and a surplus food bank.
Headucate UCL
Headucate UCL aims to tackle mental health stigma and end discrimination by running interactive workshops in schools around London! We will be working with school children and are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to join our team - no prior experience/knowledge required.
Project Impactive
Project Impactive is building the future of assistive tech.
Model United Nations Schools Programme
We're a tight knit community of volunteers who run Model United Nations and Public Speaking Workshops in schools across the UK.
UCL Next Top Doctor
Are you passionate about widening participation in medicine and allied health professions? Do you love teaching or want to develop your teaching skills? If so, then this is the project for you!
What do we do?
Origami Volunteering Project
Origami Volunteering Project (OVP) is a student-lead volunteering organisation that aims to provide stress-relief and a creativity outlet through the art of origami.
Save a Baby's Life
Who are we?
Save a Baby's Life is a voluntary organisation, run by UCL students in conjunction with the Royal Life Saving Society since 2011.
Teddy Bear Clinic
The UCL Teddy Bear Clinic is a student led volunteering project that has been running for the past 15 years! We teach primary school students about health and safety in a fun and informative way. The sessions last for one hour on Wednesday afternoons.
Hello and welcome to AcaMedics!
Do you have the desire to contribute to clinical science using Evidence Based Medicine? Then we are the society for you!
UCL Student Hospital Fun Team
UCL Marrow
UCL Marrow work alongside the charity Anthony Nolan to help save the lives of people with blood cancer by signing people onto the stem cell register. For various reasons, young people like us make the best donors – with a real chance of saving a life.
UCL Sexpression
Welcome to Sexpression UCL
Kickstart: Reloaded!
Welcome to Kickstart — UCL Taekwondo’s very own volunteering project!!
Green Walkers
Are you appalled by the excessive amount of litter found around UCL and in London? Do you wish to do something about it?
StreetDoctors UCL
Empowering young people affected by violence to keep themselves and others safe.
StreetDoctors is a national charity that puts young people at the centre of emergency first-aid provision and empowers them to become part of the solution to violence.
Debating Society Competition
Welcome to Debating Society!
As part of our volunteering project, we offer debating competition at UCL Campus for schools.
Education for Choice UCL
Hello and welcome to Education for Choice!
Impact Initiative
We aim to create an empowered community of refugees & students through collective learning at UCL.
TutorMe is a student-led volunteering project supported by Enactus UK. Our project aims to provide academic support by connecting UCL students with GCSE and A-Level pupils from UK schools and charities on a digital platform.
Make a Smile UCL
Welcome to Make a Smile!
We believe that all children deserve a childhood and understand that illness or disability can make this very difficult for some children.
Student-Led Volunteering Programme
The Volunteering Service's Student-Led Volunteering Programme supports students to develop and run their own community volunteering projects focussed on causes that they are passionate about and which have a real impact on the lives of other Londoners.
Ultimate Frisbee Volunteering
Hello! 👋
We are the Ultimate Frisbee Club. As part of our volunteering project, we run frisbee sessions with young poeple in schools.
iNUGSC Widening Participation Scheme
Our 11th International Undergraduate & Foundation Surgery Conference (iNUGSC) is COMPLETELY student-led and is the largest student-led conference in the UK.
Trans Healthcare Now
Trans Healthcare Now is a student-led volunteering project that aims to increase knowledge and awareness of trans healthcare inequalities within the UK.
Salsa Society Outreach
The UCL Salsa Society is one of the university’s largest and most vibrant societies. Our Salsa Outreach Programme offers fun-filled salsa sessions to community groups and charities.
Around 50% of cases of blindness in the UK are preventable. Eyeducate is a medical student led volunteering project that works to educate school children on eye care and to encourage healthy habits.
UCL - We Solve Problems
🔢 Are you a Maths enthusiast? If so, this project is for you!
UCL Lightning Helping Children Discover Cheerleading
UCL Music Society Outreach
We are organising classical music performances at UCLH including a medley of Christmas carols for December. We will also be performing at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital as part of their Christmas lunchtime concerts series.
Hockey Inner City tour UCL
UCL Mens Hockey Club are organising a school trip for Hockey Inner City. This is a continuation of the collaboration between the two parties as UCL Mens Hockey Club volunteer weekly at Hockey Inner City's sessions for state-educated children in South London.
Aspiring Medics - Broadening Medical Horizons
Our project hopes to help remove some of the barriers that some students experience when trying to enter Medical School.
UCL Urban Room Volunteering
Hello! 👋 Are you interested in the arts and creative industry?
InveSTEMators is a new student-led project at UCL. We’re a group of volunteers working with Scouts and secondary schools to deliver STEM-based workshops (Science, Technology, Maths and Engineering).
WordWonders Project
Do you like reading and want to spread the joy of reading to others? 📚
Empovthise UCL
The aim of Empovthise UCL is to bring forth betterment to the lives of underprivileged residents through improving technological literacy.
SEAD Design Volunteering
Hello from SEAD Design Volunteering!
We want to make a difference, give back to the local community and spread some joy through the art of Bollywood dance! Members of the society will be providing Bollywood workshops for children at local primary schools, aged between 3-11 years old.
BSL Buddies
Consultancy Challenge
The Consultancy Challenge is a week-long volunteering initiative open to all current UCL students and run in collaboration between staff in Students' Union UCL and UCL Careers with host staff in London-based community projects.
This page is for volunteers who are helping an external charity partner (not an SLP) to choose under the 'Student_Led Project' section in the Payment Request Form.
Long Covid Solidarity
The aim of this project is to help people with long covid or chronic fatigue, or their carers family or friends, to find support from other people who are going through the same thing.
Open Door Mentor Scheme
Open Door Mentor Scheme aims to deliver a series of higher-education and motivational talks for year 10 students attending school in a low-income area. This will take place over 4 weeks in Term 2 (tbc) !
Student Inclusion Health Society Outreach
About Us
We are the Student Inclusion Health Society. Our aim is to empower students to engage in inclusion health initiatives through capacity building workshops and community-based partnerships.