Get involved

Be part of a movement to progress sustainability at UCL and beyond


Empowering future changemakers at the Sustainability Leadership Conference
The first Sustainability Leadership Conference took place at UCL East earlier this month, as a joint v
Students call for ambitious and meaningful sustainability plan for UCL
In the most recent Student Sustainability Forum, students had the opportunity to meet UCL's senior sustainability management and weigh in on key priorities of the new UCL Sustainability Plan.
Get published in a ground-breaking sustainability book
Researchers at UCL are writing a book on how sustainability is being pursued in the global higher education sector.They are giving you the opportunity to contribute to this by writing a short paragraph describing and sharing your thoughts on parts of UCL’s campus or your UCL experience.
Veganism: it’s easier than you think
Veganism: it’s easier than you think Written by Laura Dewhurst, Alumni Communications and Engagement Ambassador

Resources for you

Information and tools to help you live more sustainably at UCL

Strategy and impact

Your Union on its way to becoming truly sustainable

As the representative body of present and future UCL students, the Students’ Union is uniquely positioned to lead by example through embracing sustainability in all aspects of its work and service provision, educating its members about the dangers of climate change and the urgent need for action to protect the planet, and influencing UCL to accelerate its work to be a truly sustainable university.