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This page outlines the Accident and Emergency procedures for volunteers of a Volunteering Service Student-Led Project. It is directed towards Project Leaders and Activity Leaders.

If you’re a member of a Club / Society, please see the How To Guides.

In all accidents, injuries or near miss cases, a UCL Incident Form must be completed.

You must also notify the Volunteering Service that you've completed this form.

In the event of an incident on UCL or Students' Union UCL property you should immediately contact a member of staff who will report the incident and locate first aiders.

In the event of an incident at another organisation, you should follow instructions from an official representative of that establishment.

In the event of an incident that may warrant the use of any of the emergency services the you must ensure the following:

  • That any intervention/assistance does not jeopardise the safety of other members of the group including yourself
  • That the treatment of casualties is only administered by those who are qualified to do so, except in cases where the casualty has already stopped breathing.

In the event of a death or serious injury the following procedure must be followed:

  • You must contact the appropriate emergency service, and provide them with any personal details, including next of kin if these are available.
  • You must contact the police (by calling 999), who will advise the next of kin of the fatality. You must ensure that no member of the group advises the next of kin of the fatality.
  • You must also report the incident to the University College London Communications Centre 020-7679-3333 (24 hours) who will ensure that the appropriate senior staff are notified. You must provide the casualty's name and College ID Card number, details of the incident, and details of the hospital to which the casualty has been taken. You must also provide a telephone number where you can be contacted by the College.
  • You must contact the Volunteering Service at the earliest available opportunity. Our opening hours are normally 9.30am – 5pm.
  • You must ensure that media enquiries are referred to the UCL Media Relations Department and that no statements are made to the media.

UCL Media Relations - 020 7679 9041
UCL Communications Centre 020 7679 3333