Looking to book a UCL Estates room instead? You can find that guide here.
Students' Union UCL provides a variety of bookable spaces for clubs and societies to host their activities!
Please expand the sections below to read through everything you need to know about the spaces we have available to book.
- Booking Process and Timetable
Block Bookings
Students' Union rooms can be block booked in advance of each term for regular club or society meetings.
Block room bookings for term 2 have now closed and will reopen in March for term 3.
Applications submitted before the deadline are considered on a 'fairest usage' policy, which allows us to accommodate requirements for as many clubs and societies as possible. Some rooms, days and times are more popular than others, but we will do our best to allocate you the spaces you need.
Ad-Hoc Bookings
Students' Union rooms can also be booked on an 'ad-hoc' basis. Ad-hoc bookings can be requested through our Ad-Hoc Room Booking Form.
Please note, any club or society not using their pre-booked rooms 3 times in a term, without giving Student Activities Reception a minimum of 24 hours notice of cancellation, will have their remaining bookings for that term cancelled and their permission to book rooms suspended for one week.
Not using a further 3 bookings in the same term will result in further cancellations and a suspension of 1 full term.
Please review our timetable before requesting an ad-hoc room booking, and only request a space and time which is currently available:
Term 2 2024/25 - Student Activities Room Bookings
For more details on room functionality, please open the 'Core Union Spaces' tab below.
- Core Union Spaces
The availability of these rooms is subject to change. Additional rooms may be added later in the year, so keep an eye out!
You can find detailed guidance about the rooms we have available here:
Club and Society Block Room Bookings - Term 2 24-25.pdf
Bloomsbury Theatre Building (15 Gordon Street)
- Conference Room: Carpeted floor with a PC, speakers and projector available. The room also contains a piano and multiple fold-up chairs and tables. Capacity ~70. Located on the 2nd floor.
- 204: Carpeted floor with a TV (HDMI/VGA access port available). The room also contains a piano, chairs and tables. Capacity ~15. Located on the 2nd floor.
Lewis Building (136 Gower Street)
- 105: Carpeted floor. An open space with limited tables and chairs. Capacity ~25. Located on the 1st floor.
- 206: Carpeted floor. An L-shaped space with limited tables and chairs. Capacity ~50. Located on the 2nd floor.
Arts Priority Spaces
The following spaces are now prioritised for arts activity, and managed by artsUCL. Any queries related to booking these spaces should be directed to [email protected].
Block bookings will happen at the beginning of each term, and be allocated by the arts team, in collaboration with the societies team. Priority will be given to arts activity (whether that be arts societies, other clubs/societies doing arts activity or artsUCL open access programmes). The arts team will balance society activity demand, open access programmes demand, show rehearsal demand and practical considerations in allocating space.
Arts activity will be given a priority window for ad-hoc bookings, until 3 days before the time slot requested. If there is still availability 3 days before the time slot, this can then be booked by any club/society wishing to use the space.
Any booking requests for non-arts activity in these rooms placed more than 3 days before the requested time will be rejected.
- Bloomsbury Theatre Building - Rehearsal Room: Wooden floor with a PC, speakers and projector available. The room also contains a piano, dance mirrors and ballet barre, and multiple fold-up chairs and tables. Capacity ~54. Located on the 1st floor of the Bloomsbury Theatre Building, 15 Gordon Street.
- Lewis Building - Dance Studio: Wooden floor with a PA system, iPod input, DVD/CD player and speakers available. The room also contains a piano, dance mirrors and ballet barre. Capacity ~30. Located on the 1st floor of the Lewis Building, 136 Gower Street.
- Music Practice Rooms
Click here to book a Music Practice Room
artsUCL is transitioning to a new booking system for Music Practice Rooms using Microsoft Bookings. This change will allow you to instantly book available practice rooms with a confirmed date and time.
Our old Booking Request Form and booking timetable are no longer in use.
Key Details:
- Bookings can be made up to one week in advance, on a first-come, first-served basis.
- After booking, you’ll receive an email confirmation for your reserved time.
- Booking slots start and finish on the hour and half past the hour.Booking Policies- to ensure fair access due to high demand, please note the following limits:
- Maximum 1-hour booking per day per student
- Maximum 5 hours per week per studentThe artsUCL team will regularly review bookings, and any reservations exceeding these limits will be cancelled to accommodate other students. If your booking is cancelled, you will receive a notification via email. You must not attend a booking if it has been cancelled.
Getting Started:
- The new system is now live. You can start making bookings via Microsoft Bookings by clicking here.Additional Information:
The rooms are above the Huntley Bar in the Lewis Building, 134-136 Gower Street, WC1E 6BP. Pass through the George Farha Café into the Huntley Bar, walk past the bar, through the white door and up the stairs to the second floor.
Upright pianos are also located in other Union rooms, and can be used by any clubs or societies that have booked the room.
If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected] or call us on 020 7679 7239.
- Sound Proof Room
The Sound Proof Room in the Lewis Building can be booked by members of the Live Music Society only. All bookings are subject to the terms of usage outlined on the Live Music Website, and within the booking portal itself. Membership of the society can be purchased from the Live Music Society page.
The booking link and timetable can be found here: Sound Proof Room.
- Film Studio
You can request to book the Film Studio in the Bloomsbury Theatre Building via the Film Society website.
Access cards can be collected from Student Activities Reception, 2nd Floor, Bloomsbury Theatre, 15 Gordon Street once a booking has been made.
- Bloomsbury Fitness
Presidents and Treasurers can request to book space in Bloomsbury Fitness by completing this webform. Please check the class timetable and ensure you have spoken to your Development Coordinator (either Sports or Societies) before requesting additional space. There is a fee charged to clubs and societies for additional bookings outside of core allocations.
The day fee of £3.50 per person (student rate) will need to be paid by attendees if they do not already have a Bloomsbury Fitness membership. Please inform attendees to arrive 10 minutes prior to class if they are not members of Bloomsbury Fitness as they will need to register first.
- Club & Society Storage
Storage keys for societies with storage access can be booked out at the Student Activities Reception (Mon – Fri, 10am – 10pm and Sat/Sun 11am – 7pm, during term time). Student ID must be exchanged for the key. The key must not be taken out of the building, and should be returned promptly. No personal items should be stored in Union club or society storage spaces unless on a temporary basis, with express permission of the Activities team and proof of insurance (where necessary). Storage of personal items is at your own risk.
Student Activities Storage
Bloomsbury Theatre Building, 1st floor
This is for the use of societies to store society equipment. Access is granted through the Student Activities team via a request from the relevant society president. Storage is currently being reviewed.
Jazz & Folk Cupboard
Bloomsbury Theatre Building, 1st floor stairwell
This is for the use of Jazz Society and Folk & World Music Society to store society equipment. Access is granted through the Student Activities team via a request from the relevant society president. The room can be accessed outside of reception desk opening hours via the designated society key holders (President and Treasurer), subject to building opening times. You must be a member of Jazz or Folk & World Music society to be granted access. Storage is currently at capacity.
Music Cupboard
Bloomsbury Theatre Building, 2nd floor
This is for the use of Music Society to store society equipment. Access is granted through the Student Activities team via a request from the society president. The room can be accessed outside of reception desk opening hours via the designated society key holders (President, Treasurer and Director of Music), subject to building opening times. You must be a member of Music Society to be granted access. Storage is currently at capacity.
Sports Storage 212
Bloomsbury Theatre Building, 2nd floor
This is for the use of sports clubs to store club equipment. Access is granted through the Student Activities team via a request from the relevant club president. The room can only be accessed outside of reception desk opening hours via American Football Club designated key holders (President and Captain), subject to building opening times. You must be a member of a relevant sports club to be granted access. Club storage access is reviewed annually. Storage is currently at capacity.
Bloomsbury Theatre Building, 2nd floor (Common Room)
Lockers are for use by societies to store society equipment. Requests for a society locker should be sent to [email protected]. Access is granted through the Student Activities team via a request from the relevant society president. You must be a member of relevant society to be granted access. Locker allocation is reviewed annually. Storage currently has limited availability.
Bloomsbury Fitness Storage Room C
Bloomsbury Theatre Building, 3rd floor
Bloomsbury Fitness Storage Room D
Bloomsbury Theatre Building, 4th floor
This is for the use of sports clubs to store club equipment. Requests for club storage should be sent to [email protected]. Access is granted through the Student Activities team via a request from the relevant club president, who will then entrust club members with the combination for equipment cage lock. You must be a member of a relevant sports club to be granted access. The room can only be accessed outside of reception desk opening hours via the Bloomsbury Fitness Reception Desk, subject to fitness centre opening times. Club storage access is reviewed annually. Storage is currently at capacity.
Bloomsbury Fitness Storage Room E
Bloomsbury Theatre Building (Film Archive and BF Equipment)
This room is for Film Society archives and can only be accessed by Film Society committee or Student Activities staff. Request for access should be made via the Student Activities Reception.
Mountaineering Cupboard
Bloomsbury Theatre Building, 4th floor stairwell
This is for the use of Climbing & Mountaineering Club to store society equipment. Access is granted through the Student Activities team via a request from the relevant society president. The room can be accessed outside of reception desk opening hours via the designated club key holders (President and Gear Secretary ), subject to building opening times. You must be a member of the Climbing & Mountaineering Club to be granted access. Storage is currently at capacity.
Archery Range
Wilkins Building, South Cloisters Basement
This is for the use of sports clubs and societies to store club/society equipment, which needs to be accessed regularly, particularly out of hours. It is 24 hours, swipe card access (via UCL ID card), with CCTV and combination lock equipment cages. Requests for club/society storage should be sent to [email protected]. Access is granted through the Student Activities team via a request from the relevant club/society president. UCL Security systems will then activate access on the member’s ID card. Presidents will then entrust relevant members with their combination lock code. Access is for named ID card holder only and cards should not be given to any other person to gain access. Club/society access is reviewed annually. Storage currently has limited availability.
Costume Cupboard
Lewis Building, 2nd floor (The Huntley)
The Costume Cupboard is for performance arts societies to store costumes and props and is managed by the artsUCL team.
In order to maintain the space, the Costume Cupboard is only available via appointment, to production team members of Dance Society, Drama Society, Shakespeare Company and Musical Theatre Society.
Please email [email protected] to book an appointment - appointments will be made between 10:00am and 5:00pm, Tuesday - Thursday.
Arts & Media Storage
Lewis Building, 2nd floor
Arts & Media Storage is currently available to limited Arts Societies, and is being reviewed. Requests for storage from societies should be sent to [email protected] by the society president only. Access is granted through the Student Activities team via a request from the relevant society president. The room can be accessed outside of reception desk opening hours via the designated society key holder (Live Music Society), subject to building opening times. You must be a member of a relevant society to be granted access. Storage is currently at capacity.
- Lewis Building Terms of Use
By requesting and accepting bookings, clubs and societies agree to the below terms of use.
- Usage of Lewis Building facilities will be restricted to clubs and societies who have advance bookings confirmed by the Union through agreed procedures.
- Building access is by UCL ID card only (both outer and inner doors).
- There should be no transfer of ID card between any user.
- Club/society committee members/activity leaders are responsible for all attendees conduct within the building.
- The facilities can only be used on the days and times designated by confirmed Union bookings.
- Usage is restricted to the designated room and changing/bathroom facilities.
- All users must not enter the building more than 15 minutes before booking, and must have exited no later than 15 minutes after booking.
- Where possible, clubs/societies should provide a first aider at each booking.
- All users must abide by agreed social distancing guidelines and use the hand sanitiser provided.
- Any problems with the facilities or other users should be immediately reported to the Union by emailing [email protected].
- In case of emergencies, follow the instructions provided in the foyer and rooms.
Usage will be monitored regularly by card access data, CCTV and in person checks by Union staff.
Failure to comply with the above may result in the removal of all booking and access privileges, and disciplinary action against club/societies or individuals.
Please feel free to contact [email protected] if you have a question.
Knowledge base
- Room Bookings, Facilities & Equipment