Personal Accident Insurance
Our personal accident insurance only covers current full-time UCL students. Personal accident cover for all full-time student members of Clubs and Societies is arranged by the Union as part of the membership process. The policy provides financial compensation in event of death, permanent disablement, or temporary total disablement, whilst engaged in Club or Society activity, or whilst travelling to/from core Club or Society activities. Details on the scale of benefits are available from the Sports Development Manager.
Club or society members who are not registered UCL students (i.e. associate members) are strongly encouraged to make appropriate personal accident insurance arrangements, as they are not covered by the Union’s insurance policies. As the head of your committee, you have the responsibility to inform your associate members of this.
For further clarification on the difference between full-time and associate members of Clubs and Societies, please see Section 5 of the Club and Society Regulations
Travelling abroad requires separate travel insurance and it's your responsibility to advise all members that they should purchase comprehensive travel (including medical) insurance covering all your planned activities
If you need to make a claim, please let us know by emailing
Equipment Insurance
Equipment that is Union-owned, registered on your inventory and stored securely on university property is insured with us at a value related to its current age and condition. We do not insure items under the value of £200.
Please note, for hired equipment to be covered and for taking Union-owned equipment abroad, you need to let us know so that the items can be logged and submitted to our insurance company. There may be an excess fee charged to your club/society.
If you wish to make a claim for a lost/damaged or stolen item please email all details to with information of the claim, photos and a reference to your online Incident/Accident Form.
Making a Claim
Step 1
For all accidents, injuries or near misses, the activity leader must complete an Incident/Accident Form online via UCL RiskNet within 24 hours of the accident, or as soon as you return from a trip away from campus. State clearly on the form that you wish to make an insurance claim for the lost item or personal injury and give as much detail about the accident/incident as possible including witnesses. Photos can also be submitted electronically as part of a claim to referencing your claim.
You can log into UCL RiskNet here:
Step 2
The relevant manager will make an appointment to see you to review your claim. Bring along any evidence to support your claim including receipts for medical treatment if a personal injury claim is to be made.
Step 3
The insurance claim will be submitted providing it meets the insurance criteria, i.e. It is above our insurance policy excess levels.
Step 4
If a new item has been purchased to replace a lost, damaged or stolen one it is crucial that you add this to your inventory as per the procedure detailed in the Club and Society resources guide. If we don't have record of your equipment and it gets damaged or stolen, then our insurance policy will not pay out. Club and Society equipment inventories should be reviewed and updated annually and added to as and when new equipment is acquired.
Knowledge base
- Health, Safety & Insurance