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Compliments and Comments

Tell us how we are doing! We love to hear from our members to hear what we are doing well and how our services can be improved.

Get in touch with us to let us know about what you think is going well, when a member of staff has gone the extra mile, or when we need to put something right. Contact us with details of your feedback and we'll make sure it is sent to the right place. Let us know your thoughts on our Compliments and Comments form.

Do you have a complaint? 

We know sometimes that things can go wrong, so we have a complaints procedure for members in our Bye-Laws. Take a look at the guidance below before submitting a Complaint Form.

Is it about the Students' Union, or a service, individual or group within the Union?

If your complaint is about an individual, then this will normally be investigated under our Disciplinary Procedure. If it is about another member, then the complaint would need to be about an event or act that took place specifically within the context of Students' Union UCL membership, such as through a club or society event.

We can't investigate complaints that are about events not specific to Union membership.

Our Advice Centre can offer impartial information on the Complaints process. However, please note that our Advisors will not be able to provide advice regarding the nature of the complaint or the prospects of success due to conflicts of interest.

If your complaint is about the conduct of a member of staff, then this will be investigated confidentially by Students' Union UCL's HR team.

If your complaint is about a service, then this will be investigated by the appropriate Head of Department who will write to you with their findings.

Is it about an incident of bullying, harassment, or sexual misconduct?

If your complaint is about an incident of bullying, harassment, or sexual misconduct it should be reported via the Report and Support platform. Report and Support allows you to report anonymously, or find appropriate support through an advisor. UCL will act on your report.

If you would rather speak to someone directly who can help you make your complaint to the appropriate person, please contact the Union’s Advice Centre or the University's Student Support and Wellbeing.

Is it about UCL?

Is it about something else, or you are unsure about the next step?