Welcome back for term two! Find your next event or taster session

Why should I register?

By registering with the Community Research Initiative, you'll never miss a thing. We'll more easily be able to promote what you do to 100s of UCL students. You will have your own login and profile page and have full control of this. Of course, we can also help with anything technical - we know what's it like to have yet another digital space or login to remember to manage.

Your profile can be updated as little as once a year if you like and each year, we'll let students know about any organisations who wish to collaborate on useful research around December. After this, it's up to you in terms of what student conversations you'd like to have.

How to register as a community organisation

What do I need to register?

It's a really simple process and, if you are already partnered with UCL's Volunteering Service, it's even easier! You'll need:

  • The name of your organisation, charity, or group.
  • A named contact for the Community Research Initiative. This can be the same or different to the named contact for volunteering if you are already registered with us.
  • A logo.
  • Contacts email (this will not be public to students so you won't be inundated with messages!)
  • Description of what your organisation does

Create a "non-UCL" Student's Union account

In order to access your organisations profile, you must have an account on the UCL Student Union's platform. To create a "non-UCL" account follow the link below. If you would like a walk-through, the beginning of the video below explains the whole process.

The beginning of this video will give you a walk-through of creating a UCL Student's Union account

Contact the CRIS Admin to access your organisation's profile by emailing [email protected]