It's LGBTQ+ History Month Celebrate with us 

We want to make volunteering as easy as possible for you. If there's anything you need further help with, please contact us - we'd love to help!


Email is the most effective way to contact us. Please email our main account on [email protected] with any queries.

Running one of our student-led projects or part of one? Email [email protected] with any queries.

Social Media

We're on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! Our handle on all three is @uclvolunteering.


Please feel free to contact us over the phone during the week between 10am and 4pm on 0203 549 5341.


Visit us at Students' Union UCL, 25 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0AY.


Please get in touch with us via email if you'd like to discuss posting any mail items to us.

Meet the team

Looking for someone in particular? Meet the team and find out how to contact each of us.