Election post


The progress we have made in the club over the last couple of years has been phenomenal, with greater flexibility, awareness, and inclusivity than ever before. However, one key area we are severely lacking in is the involvement of our alumni. This is what makes me want to run for VPs Sec.

Other clubs like Imperial and UCL have significant alumni involvement, especially with alumni crews. In real terms this is a process that takes more than one year. Therefore I hope to lay the groundwork for us to have long-term alumni participation. My principal ideas for this include:

- More alumni-focused social events = over the course of the years, the club has made some very positive changes. However, we still want the club to feel welcoming to those who rowed before us. To invite our alumni back into our socials would be a big first step. If elected, I plan to organise separate Alumni focused sports night (aka ALUMNIGHT), run similarly to how they once were. In these they would lead the circles and other members of the club would be welcome to join if they were comfortable. At these events, current club members would be able to mingle with our doctors, and get a taste of the intensity of the past!

- Alumni Day at the River = a chance for our doctors to come and relive their first day at the boathouse

- Alumni crews to enter more races

- Working with the fundraisers at these events to boost funding opportunities for the club to help buy a new boat