Election post


Hey all, I’m Sam (now mulletless) after a great year of boaty fun, I'm applying for Assistant Boatswain. Throughout my first year with the club, I’ve had a blast and thoroughly enjoyed getting more involved. This would be a great position to demonstrate my commitment, develop useful skills and make a long-lasting contribution to the club. I

I’m a naturally hands-on… and DIY orientated person, firmly believing if you can fix a bike, you can fix a car, if you can fix a car, you can fix a boat. I have previous experience of fixing boats and outboards from my sailing days and would love to further my skills.  I hope I’ve proved myself reliable this year, and moving forward into my third year would mean I have even more availability dedicated to the maintenance of the club. As a social person, I would be a friendly face around the boathouse people can report issues to and would offer help and guidance on maintaining and rigging boats, especially concerning the incoming freshers. Furthermore, I would ensure regular and productive communication with my boatswain to keep things running smoothly. My manifesto points are: 

  • Re-organise and take Inventory of the tool locker, and fix or replace what's missing.
  • Put an end to the Covid hangover, help the boatswain with the ordering and fitting of new equipment, and repair and streamline what we have.
  • Teach novices the importance of checking aspects of the boat before training/ racing (gates, footplates).