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Green Walkers
 Are you appalled by the excessive amount of litter found around UCL and in London? Do you wish to do something about it?

The Volunteering Service is looking for Project Leaders to run the Green Walkers project. This is one of our longstanding projects which runs regular litter picking walks in the areas surrounding the UCL Bloomsbury campus. Litter picking is a great way make a difference to the environment and the local community, get to know like minded students, and have fun!

This opportunity is being run through the Volunteering Service's Student-Led Volunteering Programme so you will be running the project as part of a team with other UCL students. You will be involved in decision-making for the project and will also receive support from the Volunteering Service including a dedicated Project Supervisor, Project Leader Training, access to our Project Leader Resources webpage and the opportunity to apply for up to £500 worth of funding for the project. Becoming a Project Leader is an excellent well to make a difference in the local community whilst also developing your project management and teamwork skills.


Working as part of a team, your duties will include planning the project, recruiting and managing litter picking volunteers, organising regular litter picking walks in the areas surrounding the UCL Bloomsbury campus, and contributing ideas to the development of the project. Other duties will also include completing a project plan and risk assessment for the project, liaising with the Project Supervisor from the Volunteering Service, submitting Monthly Activity Reports and completing an evaluation of the project once it is completed. The role is flexible and you can bring your own ideas as well - for example, previous Project Leaders have also organised environment-related events and talks, as well as socials for volunteers after the walks. There is extensive support available from the Volunteering Service throughout your Project Leader journey.

Who will the volunteers be working with?
You will be working with fellow Project Leaders and student volunteers, and you will be supported by staff at the Volunteering Service. The role may also involve liaising with other organisations such as the local council when planning the litter picking walks.
The Volunteering Service provides a mandatory Project Leader Training for Project Leaders

Time commitment

The expectation will be regular (weekly or fortnightly) litter picking walks during term time from September onwards. Dates and times can be flexible and arranged with the other Project Leaders
Application deadline

This is an opportunity offered by a Student-Led Volunteering Project. It is run by UCL students and supported and supervised by staff in Students' Union UCL Volunteering Service.