Welcome back for term two! Find your next event or taster session

Sign up to weekly updates from the Volunteering Service!  We can promise that you'll be the first to hear about our featured opportunities, what we're up to, what you're up to and the latest on our charity partners.

You can even select what type of volunteering you'd like to hear most about! Here's what there is to choose from...

Gardening, animals, conservation and environment, sports and construction.

Museums, galleries and the arts.

Tutoring and mentoring, adult education, children and young people.

Catering, hospitality, charity shops and event organisation.

Helplines, drugs and alcohol, befriending, homeless people, mental health, health, HIV and aids, hospices, learning disabilities and older people.

Media, PR, marketing, administration, IT/computers, legal, social media, websites and trusteeships.

Fundraising, BME, campaigns, ambassadors, disabilities, fundraising research, LGBT+, social policy research, women's groups.

Refugees, asylum seekers, foreign languages, teaching English as a second language and international development.

Please note that the opportunities we promote are only for current UCL students and members of staff - if you're not either you won't be able to receive our updates as our mailing list will not accept your email address.