Although it gets a bad rap, health and safety doesn't have to be a pain. We've laid everything out as clearly as possible in this section, and once you get the hang of things, you'll be able to make sure your activities are healthy and safety with no problem at all. 

(this must be done for all accidents, injuries or near miss cases within 24 hrs)

Information on:

Our commitment to you

We are committed to safety in student activities. We are committed to:

  • Undertake Annual Risk Assessments in respect of all club or society activity, to identify the hazards (the potential for injury), to assess the risk, (the likelihood that injury will actually occur) and to establish measures to control and reduce the risk to an acceptable level.
  • Provide each club and society with Procedures and Guidance as well as specific safety related briefings.
  • Provide subsidies to enable the training of leaders and organisers to National Governing Body Standards, so as to raise and enhance the level of safety, skill and awareness within clubs and societies.
  • Provide accurate information on the nature of club and society activity and ensure that clubs and societies disseminate relevant information throughout the year to individual.
  • Ensure that those undertaking water related activities understand the minimum requirement for participation, i.e. the ability to swim 50 metres fully clothed.
  • Ensure that clubs and societies have access to a First Aid Kit for all activities on Union premises.
  • Ensure pre-registration and approval of all away trips involving either an overnight stay, or involving club or society activity in risk category 6 or 7.
  • Provide support and funding in the selection, acquisition, hire and maintenance of equipment, including testing, inspection and the logging of use where appropriate.
  • Ensure appropriate affiliation to the relevant National Governing Body in respect of sporting activities, and to ensure that clubs adopt the National Governing Body Good Practice Guide where appropriate.
  • Provide a system of reporting, monitoring and investigating incidents or near misses via report forms.
  • Record and monitor individual club and society activity throughout the year.
  • Provide basic, adequate insurance cover to registered student members of clubs or societies.
  • Ensure the competence of those coaching or otherwise supervising or leading student activities.
  • Monitor, review and modify Safety Procedures on an ongoing basis as required.

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