No matter what the situation is, harassment, sexual misconduct and bullying is never ok and it should not be tolerated at UCL.
If you’ve been the target or have witnessed unwanted behaviour, there are a number of ways to get support from the Union, UCL and external organisations. Between us we can explain the options available to you, provide you with practical help and give you emotional support for as long as you need.
Students’ Union UCL has a firm zero tolerance stance towards any form of harassment, sexual misconduct and bullying. This means that we will not tolerate it in any of our spaces or at any of our events.
If you experience any of these behaviours whilst at the union or union-run events:
- You can report the incident(s) to any member of security or area supervisor/manager wearing a Full Stop badge and they will take the details of the perpetrator and they will immediately be removed from the building.
- You can seek advice from our Advice Service on how to report an incident concerning harassment, sexual misconduct and bullying. The Advice Service is a registered Hate Crime Reporting Centre.
- You can make a formal complaint through the unions complaints procedure
On UCL campus – call security 24/7 from any UCL phone on 222 or 020 7679 2108 (Security can then call emergency services and ensure they are guided to the correct location).
If you do choose to report any behaviours concerning bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct to UCL, we will take it extremely seriously. In our response to a disclosure, UCL is guided by the wishes of the reporting student.
The best way to disclose to UCL that you have been affected or witnessed, is by reporting through Report + Support. You can choose to report issues.
Reporting to the Police
You can find detailed information on how to report an incident of sexual violence to the police on the Metropolitan Police website. On this website, you will also find information on the investigation process and the court process. An overview of the Criminal Justice System and how to get help along the way is also available on the Rape Crisis website.
It is important to remember:
- You can report a crime at any time, regardless of when the incident happened
- In addition to reporting at a police station, you can report by phone or at The Havens or Crimestoppers
- You can report directly or anonymously as well as via a third party
- You can opt out of the police reporting process at any stage
- If you decide to opt out, this will not affect any other support you receive
- In addition to investigating the disclosure, the police can put you in touch with support service
Reporting to Transport for London (TfL)
If you are a witness or are a target of bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct on London’s transport, stations or bus stops, TfL have an emergency number the public can contact.
TfL emergency number: 61016