It's LGBTQ+ History Month Celebrate with us 

We currently have partnerships with 350 UK-based not-for-profit organisations and statutory agencies. The majority of our community partners have opportunities based in Central London within an hour's commute from WC1. You can view a selection of current partners with live vacancies on our volunteering organisations page.

We are always looking for interesting new volunteering roles that’ll be suitable for UCL students and provide great opportunities and support to all our current partners. If you are interested in becoming a partner, please note the following terms and conditions:

  • We will only register organisations where we think there is a realistic chance of us generating interest from our students. We assess this on a case by case basis, looking at whether we have other similar roles on offer, the time commitment and whether UCL students are likely to have the required skills, knowledge and experience.
  • We will only refer students to UK-based not-for-profit organisations with charitable purposes, or to volunteering projects run by statutory agencies within the UK (such as local authorities or hospitals).  We do not work with for-profit organisations, organisations regulated outside of the UK, brokers of opportunities, nor organisations where beneficiaries are charged to engage with a service run by volunteers.
  • We aim to offer a wide range of types of volunteering opportunities, gauged in terms of setting, type of organisations, level of responsibility, time commitment, opening times and client group.
  • We expect organisations to be transparent in their aims and objectives, their governance structure and to have good standards in volunteer management.
  • All organisations registering with the Volunteering Service must agree to these terms and conditions and our set of service standards in full before we will consider advertising their opportunities. This document outlines the standards we expect you to have in place and the level of service you can expect from us.
  • We will not refer students to organisations involved in activities which breach any Volunteering Service or Students’ Union UCL policies or which might bring disrepute to the Volunteering Service or Students’ Union UCL.
  • We reserve editorial control of all content on our website - including the opportunity information our partner organisations complete and submit through their profile.  We expect all partner organisations to keep the content they submit up-to-date.
  • If we discover an organisation is not complying in full to our service standards and/or operating in breach of any of these terms and conditions we reserve the right to terminate our partnership with immediate effect.

Where organisations cannot comply in full to our terms and conditions outlined above, and/or our set of service standards, we are happy to offer guidance but will not be able to work with them directly.

Faith Organisations
The Volunteering Service welcomes the opportunity to work with volunteering projects that are based within or set up by faith organisations. However, we cannot be involved with any project that is used in any way to recruit members - from their clients or their volunteers - to any religious organisation, nor any project that is used to promote the tenets of a particular faith.

Campaigning Organisations
The Volunteering Service welcomes the opportunity to work with campaigning organisations. We will not refer students to organisations that are closely connected with any political party.

International Volunteering
We do not actively promote international volunteering (i.e. volunteering outside of the UK). Students can see more information at our volunteering abroad article.

Paid roles
We cannot help you to recruit for any paid roles (you can use Students’ Union UCL JobShop for these).  We will also not work with any organisation where there is a cost associated with applying and/or getting involved in community volunteering - this includes organisations who request a fee that is later refundable and organisations where beneficiaries are charged to engage with a service run by volunteers.

If you would like to register with us and feel that you can meet our terms and conditions and abide by our set of service standards, please get in touch with our Partnerships team with some information about the opportunities you’d like us to advertise with UCL students in mind; we will then assess the viability of partnering with your organisation and respond accordingly.