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Spitalfields Crypt Trust (SCT)
Spitalfields Crypt Trust (SCT) is an East London charity embedded in the local community, providing practical help, support and training to people affected by homelessness and addiction. We are passionate about the people and communities we support and embrace creative, innovative and inclusive ways of working that build on our collective strengths.
Idea for research
Idea for research
Recognising that homelessness affects women differently to men, SCT would like to better understand the particular considerations that need to be made to expand their treatment and support offering to women. Currently residential programmes are only available to homeless men and service provision is centred around this. Some shared activities exist, where men and woman participate jointly, but there is growing concern around safety of women in these sessions and specific accommodations that need to be made for them. There is also a strong recognition that the experience of women with homelessness differs from men’s and an investigation is required to better understand how experiences vary.
Impact of idea
This research would enable a programme of treatment for homeless women to be developed. Expanding SCT’s offering and support for the community, whilst also shedding light on the diverse nature of homelessness – and how support can be more appropriately delivered.
Application process
Application criteria