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Danilo Paganelli

Hey everyone! My name is Danilo and I am running to be your president.

I was the Welfare Officer of the Mental Health Society back in 2021/22 and this term I have worked as Interim President to help get the society up and running in order to ensure that the society has an another amazing year!

If elected, I hope to:

1.) Get more speakers to educate members about mental health

2.) Set up more volunteering opportunities between our society and the SU so that our members can help as much as possible

3.) Organise more events (such as SpeedFriendings, Colouring Socials, Picnics, Relaxation socials etc) so that our members can make new friends and enjoy their time at university, which is the most important

4.) Organise more collabs with other societies, networks and organisations

5.) Always be there for members and share resources in order to help members as much as possible

I have led many societies throughout my time here at UCL and have a lot of experience, as well as a lot of contacts and ideas, and I think this will help me in being president this year.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at all!