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Voting: Voting open



James Tyler

In my early teens I was gifted some of my grandfather’s Pentax ME Super film cameras alongside a Canon 450D digital camera, from then on, I have been in love with photography (particularly film photography). With film ISO/ASA is fixed and with this restriction I found my understanding of aperture and shutter speed flourished. Joining my local universities’ photography society in high school I learnt how to develop my own black and white film. I remember my first experience of the darkroom feeling truly magical as though I was the sorcerer's apprentice and in many ways the development process remains just as enchanting to this day. Cutting open the film canister, spooling the film onto the reel and into the developing tank all in complete darkness and then waiting. Returning to stop and fix and finally being able to see your negatives for the first time.

There is nothing quite like it, and if you've developed your own film before, vote for me because I will keep supplies stocked, I live 10 minutes' walk to main campus and I have a flexible schedule to let you in. If you haven't developed your own film before vote for me because I will happily teach you and answer all your questions.

Thank you.