Book tickets

As you enter Term 3, Student Support and Wellbeing offer our 'Exam Season Toolkit' as a helping hand to support you with a successful exam season (March, April and May 2024). We invite you to take time out from revision and de-stress. Our Toolkit will help you get ready, get set, and go forth to succeed in your assessments. Be sure to book your spot at these events and activities!

About the therapy dog session

Are you an animal lover? Missing a pet at home? Come pet a pooch and meet our lovable Therapy Dogs on campus, no need to book just turn up! At this session you will meet Bella the Cockapoo, Tink the Chihuahua, Mocha the Cavachon and Emi the Labradoodle (mug shots below)! Here you can learn more about all our furry friends, including other upcoming sessions.

Bella Dog PhotoTinkerbell dog photoMocha Dog PhotoEmi Dog Photo

The benefits of therapy dogs

Spending time with pets and other animals has been proven to show many therapeutic advantages and benefits, both physical and mental.

1. Reduced Levels of Stress & Anxiety: Stroking animals, such as cats and dogs, releases endorphins, having a calming effect and therefore reducing stress levels. On top of that, the repetitive action of patting a dog produces oxytocin, a stress-relieving hormone that helps battle physical discomfort caused by melancholy, stress, or worry.

Other Student Support and Wellbeing Events

Find out what else is happening during Student Support and Wellbeing's 'Exam Season Toolkit' here. Our wide range of Events and Activities throughout the academic year help you maintain your physical, emotional and mental health. Student Support and Wellbeing strive to give all UCL students the chance to try something new, make friends and develop wellbeing skills for university and beyond. We hope to see you at one of our events soon!

Build your SSW

Student Support and Wellbeing curate termly campaigns to support the three core aspects of your own SSW: Social bonding, Skills for life and Wellbeing at university. Each activity aims to develop one, two, or all three of these aspects.

Venn diagram with each circle showing Social, Wellbeing and Skills

Wheelchair accessible
Family friendly