Welcome to the UCL Hate Crime Reporting Centre

Hate crimes and hate incidents are acts motivated by hostility or prejudice against a person because of who they are or who someone thinks they are.

The Hate Crime Reporting Centre is here to provide a confidential platform for reports of hate crimes and hate incidents, as well as an opportunity to access support from an independent adviser. Things don’t have to have happened on campus, but they should involve a UCL student or staff member for them be reported this way. Reports can be made by the person targeted as well as those who witnessed it.

Hate Crime is any criminal offence where the victim has been targeted, or is perceived to have been targeted, because of their protected characteristics. Protected characteristics include race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion and belief. The victim does not have to define into any of these groups, but the perception that they do must exist for it to be a considered a hate crime.

Hate Incident does not amount to a criminal offence but may still cause alarm, distress or harassment to the victim who has been targeted, or is perceived to have been targeted, because of their protected characteristics. Like a hate crime, the victim may not actually define themselves as having this characteristic, but it is the perception that they do that makes it a hate incident.

Both hate crimes and hate incidents can take many forms. It isn’t always physical violence, but it does include physical assault and damage to property. It could be someone using offensive language or making insulting gestures. It could also be someone posting rude or abusive messages online.

Whether you have or know of someone who has been a victim of a hate crime or hate incident, our Hate Crime Reporting Centre is here for you.

For more information on hate crime, you can visit the Crown Prosecution Service website or Report-It.org.uk.

Ways to Report


If you want to make us aware of an incident that you have experienced or witnessed, you can submit it via our online form either anonymously, or with your details if you'd like follow up advice or support.

Students and staff can also report incidents of bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct using UCL’s Report and Support system. You can choose to do this anonymously or you can request to speak to one of the University's advice and support services by filling in the form with your contact details.

In person

If you'd like to talk face-to-face with one of our advisers about an incident, next steps or the aftermath of an incident, you can make an appointment with our Advice Service here.

To a third party

It's important that you get the support that best suits you. We have put together a list of resources for you to choose from if you decide you'd prefer not to report through the Union.

What Happens to my Report?

This can depend on you. If you would like us to follow up with you and offer further support, we can. This may be directing you to help resources, helping you contact the police, or simply listening to you. 

However, if you would prefer to remain anonymous, or for there to be no further action, your report is still very important. Reporting these crimes helps us get a truer reflection of the hate crimes being committed at UCL, and means that we can work with UCL to address these issues.