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Please check back for information about the workshops we will be running in the 2021/22 academic year.
Here is an outline of the brilliant workshops our student facilitators ran last year:

Coping with the Pandemic

During the workshop, students are given the space to explore and process this past year and how the pandemic has affected different aspects of our lives and wellbeing. Students will spend time focussing on new strategies to help us to stay in the present moment, and finally explore through discussion, the anxieties and uncertainties about the future and what life will look like.

I'm Moody and I Know It (Exploring Low Mood)

This workshop gives students the opportunity to explore where their feelings of low mood may be coming from, as well as deepening their understanding of mental health and how it can fluctuate and change over time. They will explore practical tools to help manage their wellbeing and will engage in discussions surrounding finding coping mechanisms that best suit you. 

My Brain Has Too Many Tabs Open (How to Find a Study/Life Balance in an Online World)

This workshop will explore how university life has changed since moving to online and how this may have impacted students’ academic stress. It will provide space to discuss coping mechanisms, boundaries and imposter syndrome.  

You've got a Friend in Me (and Yourself)

This workshop explores what it means to support others with their wellbeing whilst maintaining your own wellbeing. It will focus on setting boundaries and finding a balance, how to support friends who are struggling with their mental health and trying out some practical CBT tools that can be used to support yourself as well as being shared with friends and loved ones. 


This workshop will explore self-care; what it is, what it isn’t, how it looks different for each of us. Students will engage in creative mindful practices as well as explore practical CBT tools and coping mechanisms. 

Look out for the workshops being advertised on our What's On Calendar and further information in our Union newsletters.