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How do I book a workshop slot for the Active Bystander Programme during term 1?

There will be no need for departments to book and work around specified slots for students in their departments to attend the training. Register Provide a contact of a member of staff in the department whom we will liaise with to ensure the relevant joining information is passed.

When can I schedule students to attend the Active Bystander Programme?

There is no need to formally schedule students, however we do ask Departments should include the Active Bystander Programme in their mandatory induction checklist and communications.

How do the workshops work?

1. Online Training 

This will include key definitions, safe methods of intervention, scenarios, reporting witnessed incidents and getting support. The training will be taken on an interactive e-learning course program called Articulate. A short quiz will also be provided at the end of the training to ensure students understand key aspects of the training. The online training is estimated to take up 30 minutes to complete and will take place Monday 21 September – Friday 9 October. 

2. Live Workshop Discussion  
Once students complete the online training and quiz, they will sign up via a ticket link to attend the live workshop discussion facilitated by Workshop Leaders using Microsoft Teams. The live workshops are an opportunity for students to practically apply the content learnt in the online training and discuss the training in detail. The live workshops will take place Monday 1 October – Friday 16 October.  

my students has completed the online component but the course still shows uncompleted- what do I do?

This is a known issue which we are looking to resolve. Their training has been recorded and we will be able to verify this when they book and attend the live online workshop.

Is the Active Bystander Programme avaliable to UCL staff?

Unfortunately no. This programme is only available to students. However, the UCL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team coordinate a similar training session for staff called 'Where to Draw the Line'. Departments can find out more information about the training here: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/equality-diversity-inclusion/training/where-do-you-draw-line. Please note this may not be running due to current events.

My department is not located at Bloomsbury, can we still register students for a workshop?

Yes, of course! We welcome departments across all campuses to UCL to register their students for the Programme. In normal times, an Active Bystander Trainer will be able to travel to campuses that are located in the Bloomsbury campus, but the programme is offered to every department at UCL online.

I registered students in my department for the online training, but the turnout was poor, can I re-register?

We will be notifying departments if they had low completions during the induction period. We will schedule a separate workshop if necessary.

How does my department avoid a low turnout?

We recommend you inform students that the training is mandatory and include the workshop. In cases when this has been done, the outcome of the workshop has been positive.

What information do we send out to students about the Programme?

Departments can use the text below as guidance:

Bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct should never acceptable at University and in the wider society. For this reason, Students’ Union UCL and UCL have joined forces to run the Active Bystander Programme as part of the Full Stop campaign. The Active Bystander Programme is committed to enacting bold changes to address unacceptable behaviour. Improving transparency and accountability, and seeing where we can do better to make UCL a safer learning and working environment for all students and staff is very crucial for us to collectively achieve.

Will the workshops be catered to UG, PGT and PGR students?

The answer is yes! Where we can tailor the workshops to the different levels of study at UCL we will adapt the content to match their likely experiences and situations.

Do we have to book rooms for students to attend the workshops?

Training and live workshops are taking place online.

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If you have a question that has been not covered, please email us: [email protected]