Welcome back for term two! Find your next event or taster session

Can you think of a way to make UCL life better for everyone? The Union is here to make sure that your voice is heard.

We work every day to make UCL a better place for students. And we can't do it without you. If you're ready to push for change, we're with you. We've worked with thousands of students to take action on campus by launching campaigns that change student life for the better.

What are campaigns?

Campaigns are student-led initiatives that highlight ongoing issues and aim to change current policies or create new ones. These issues could be related to anything on or off campus, from academic concerns to social justice - you can do anything! Once you know your cause, check to see if there's a campaign already. Students' Union UCL is active in a number of areas. If you discover students that share your concerns, you may wish to join their campaign.

Launching a Campaign

UCL is your community, so you're in the best place to notice things that need to change. But you don't have to do it alone. This is your Union, and we will give you the support you need. Below are some useful links, such as guides or examples from the past, that will help you navigate the creation of your own campaign.

Once you've done some research and formed a campaign plan, you can put your idea forward by filling out this form.

If you need additional support, contact SU.Campaigns: [email protected].