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One-to-one Peer Support

Our peer support sessions will run for the rest of Terms 2 and 3. This includes the Spring break, except UCL closure days.

We offer peer support sessions Monday - Friday each week at various times, please see the booking page.

Peer Support provides a space for you to talk about what’s going on for you – from course worries to relationship issues. We know that sometimes it can be difficult opening up to professionals and, talking to other students about problems can feel more comfortable. We also know that there are a lot of services and support available and it can be hard making sense of what’s out there.

Peer Link Workers are UCL students who have been trained in peer support and who have an understanding of some of the support available through the university and wider community. Although they are not able to give advice, they can signpost to support that might be helpful.

Through a one-to-one video call via Microsoft Teams, Peer Link Workers can provide a safe space to talk through issues, offer another perspective and explore possible options for further support. These contacts are confidential within the Peer Link Project unless a Peer Link Worker is concerned about your safety or the safety of others, in which case they will need to speak to their manager.

We work within a confidentiality policy.

We've put together a handy set of Frequently Asked Questions if you're unsure how things work.

If you have any questions about Peer Link Support, you can email us at [email protected]

Peer Support group sessions

Update: the group sessions will hopefully be back during Term 3.

These will provide a space for you to share and discuss your thoughts and feelings with other UCL students and our Peer Link Workers.

Evaluation of Peer Link Support

Researchers at UCL are conducting an evaluation study of our Peer Support. This study aims to understand:

  • Feasibility – how viable it is to implement this approach more widely?
  • Acceptability – do students like it, and if so, which aspects and why?
  • Safety – how can it be supported to be as safe as possible for all students involved?

Any UCL student who decides to speak to a Peer Link Worker can take part in the evaluation. Taking part would involve completing an online survey after sign-up and then another month later. Students can also choose to take part in a short interview with a researcher to hear about their views and experiences of the initiative.

To take part there is a link in the 1-2-1 and group peer support sign up forms. This link will take you to pages where you can indicate your informed consent to take part in the study, before completing a baseline survey.

You will be thanked for your time with a £5 voucher for the baseline survey, and follow-up survey (totalling £10), and a £10 voucher for taking part in an interview.

Wellbeing Workshops Series

In partnership with the UCL University Clinic and iCope, a series of wellbeing workshops have been developed. These draw on the principles from cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), to address common student challenges such as low mood, worry, perfectionism and assertiveness. These workshops have been pre-recorded and are co-delivered by NHS University Clinic staff and UCL students.

The first topics in the Wellbeing Workshop series are Assertiveness and Stress and Relaxation. Each pre-recorded workshop is divided up into four short videos.

You're invited to watch the pre-recorded workshops at your own pace. We have previously offered 90-minute follow-up group sessions. These group sessions were facilitated by NHS University Clinic staff and supported by trained Peer Link Workers, who are also UCL students.

You also have the option of additional one-to-one support from a Peer Link Worker.

View 'assertiveness' recorded workshop

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

 Part 4

View 'stress and relaxation' recorded workshop

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

View 'perfectionism' recorded workshop

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

The perfectionism workshop has some handouts for you to use when you're watching:

Follow up group sessions:

These 90 minute group sessions were facilitated by NHS University Clinic staff and supported by trained Peer Link Workers, who are also UCL students

The group sessions are a safe, open space, where the group can share their experiences on the topic. It’s a chance to share with and hear from other students (up to 8 per session), plus our trained Peer Link Workers.

You also have the option of additional one-to-one support from a Peer Link Worker.

The follow-up groups took place during Term 3 last year, and are not currently running, but may return later this year.

Other Support and Help in a Crisis

Peer Support allows you to talk about what's going on for you with another student, and be directed to appropriate support. Our Peer Link Workers are not counsellors or therapists.

There is a wide range of professional support available through UCL and outside. The UCL Student Support & Wellbeing website section on Mental Health and Wellbeing is a great place to start looking for this kind of support.

Our Peer Support is not the best place if you're experiencing a crisis, or need professional mental health support.

UCL Student Support & Wellbeing have some useful information on getting help in a crisis.