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We hold our annual Volunteering Awards to celebrate our wonderful volunteering community here at UCL. This is our opportunity to thank each and every one of you for the incredible contributions you make throughout the year and give you some well-deserved recognition. 

Our 2023 Volunteering Awards are now over. You can read more about the event and our amazing winners here!

Sabbatical Officers helped in presenting some of our awards.

Please note that nominations for the 2023 Awards are now closed - thank you for those of you who submitted nominations - our panel had such a tough job deciding on the winners.

Volunteering Awards nominations are divided up into three sections this year:

  • Individual Volunteer
  • Volunteer Organisation
  • Student-Led Projects
Volunteers collected their volunteering certificates after the Awards Ceremony.

You can find several categories under the sections, including:

  • Volunteer of the Year Award
  • Oliver Hare Altruism Award
  • Volunteering Organisation of the Year Award
  • Student-Led Project: Best Newcomer Award
  • Student-Led Project: Most Innovative Project Award
  • Student-Led Project: Partner of the Year Award
  • Student-Led Project of the Year Award

You can find the criteria for each of the awards here.

Volunteers and Partner Organisations celebrated at the reception!

Additionally, read about how last year's Award Ceremony went and see who won the awards previously.