Book tickets

🏮🐼🐲One of the standout highlights of the Lunar New Year celebrations at UCL Students Union is the UCLCSSA Spring Festival Gala, a joyous gathering that brings together Chinese students, their friends and families. Our members as UCL students invest time in rehearsing vibrant performances, showcasing an array of talents on stage, including singing, dancing, band performances, and entertaining comedy shows. It's a spectacular showcase of our diverse talents and a festive occasion filled with energy and excitement! Buy the ticket online at a discounted price with exquisite souvenirs (tote bag & poker card & fridge magnets) ! 

*The event would be in Chinese.

Wheelchair accessible

The Shaw Theatre is an accessible venue. For more information (or if you need support regarding the accessible entry), please contact our activity leader Linoe for more information - [email protected].

Family friendly

One ticket purchase per person please!