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The UCL Chinese Students and Scholars Association is a non‐profit and non‐political student organisation within University College London. The main mission of our organisation is to serve the needs of the Chinese students and scholars at UCL, and provide opportunities and benefits for them by facilitating the exchange of information between China and the students studying abroad, and by encouraging cultural exchange among Chinese, British, and other people. To achieve our mission, UCL CSSA regularly organises social activities, such as welcome fairs, parties, and information seminars. Besides these activities, we also organise several large-scale events, including our annual Mandarin Debate Competition, Chinese New Year Gala, and Chinese Lantern Festival.

伦敦大学学院中国学生学者联谊会(简称“伦大学联”,UCLCSSA)成立于2002年,是一个在 UCL Student Union 注册并接受中国驻英大使馆指导的非盈利性学生组织。作为UCL最大的华人社团,伦大学联一直以来都得到了UCL校方,中国大使馆以及英国各界华人朋友们的广泛支持。


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WeChat Public Account: 【伦大CSSA】

Contact Email: contactus@uclcssa.com


UCLCSSA Art Troupe Annual Showcase
16/03/2025 | 18:30 - 21:00