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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run18 Mar 2022
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running6
Available positions2
Total ballots31
Valid votes31
Invalid votes0
Round 1
Antara Basu [7391]4.00
Josh Jones [8483]7.00
Anushka Ray [8495]9.00
Ludovica Ardente [9457]6.00
Dorottya Eszter Szij [9934]5.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 10.34. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 2
Antara Basu [7391]0.00
Josh Jones [8483]8.00
Anushka Ray [8495]11.00
Ludovica Ardente [9457]6.00
Dorottya Eszter Szij [9934]5.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Antara Basu [7391] and RON (Re-open Nominations). Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 10.00. Candidate Anushka Ray [8495] has reached the threshold and is elected. Candidates have surplus votes, but since candidates can be safely eliminated, the transfer of surplus votes will be delayed and candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 3
Antara Basu [7391]0.00
Josh Jones [8483]11.00
Anushka Ray [8495]11.00
Ludovica Ardente [9457]7.00
Dorottya Eszter Szij [9934]0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Dorottya Eszter Szij [9934]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Candidate Josh Jones [8483] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winners are Josh Jones [8483] and Anushka Ray [8495].


Ludovica Ardente

Pi is growing and innovating every day and the Magazine delivers the highest quality journalism that our community has to offer. As Editor-in-Chief, I will aim to publish issues that have been curated in an intensive and interactive editorial process. I want the Magazine to be the product of collaborative work between writers and editors, that will be involved from the very beginning. There will be multiple meetings in the lead-up to the publication date where we will brainstorm the theme and article ideas, to make it the most relevant and engaging, and further discussions will take place at the editing stage. Increased involvement in the editorial process will boost the quality of the Magazine even further and allow everyone to actively participate in its creation. 
Student journalism is part of my daily routine as I am currently a News Writer, PiTV Co-Editor-in-Chief and PiNews Presenter. Yet, writing for the latest PiMagazine issue, ‘Awaken’, and seeing a tangible piece of my work, has been an emotional experience that reminded me of the power of print.
It is fundamental to promote the magazine release and better distribute it on campus with coordinated efforts, as ultimately our goal is to extend the readership across UCL and beyond. 


Anushka Ray

Hi! I’m Anushka, a current second-year and also a co-editor for Pi Online’s Opinion team. As a section editor for Pi, I’ve worked closely with the Pi committee in Online and Magazine and gained an appreciation for their work and responsibility. Their guidance was a huge motivator for running for committee next year, where I hope I can similarly offer advice and help. Moreover, as someone who has written and edited for Pi Magazine, I understand both the writers’ and editors’ perspectives- I would love to carry that experience with me as next year’s Magazine co-Editor.

My primary aim would be to widen the interactions between writers, editors, and the Pi committee to make sure everyone working on the issue is accessible, through meetings and events/workshops as well as consistent online communication. As much as writing can sometimes feel like a solitary act, I think we can all largely benefit from a more transparent and sociable community. Starting those conversations would also open doors to collaborative pieces and perhaps make way for heavier articles that are best written in a team. I would also like to make space for more creative writing in the magazine. Diversity of voices in the magazine is another goal I would strive for as Magazine co-Editor.

This past year in Pi has taught me an immense amount about journalism and editing but also about the value of a writing community. I look forward to exploring and learning more next year!

Dorottya Eszter Szij

Hi Pi Media, 
My name is Dory, and I would love to join Pi Magazine as an editor! If elected, I strive to maintain a creative attitude that cultivates innovation. The launch of columns and explainers are some of my visions for the future of Pi Media Magazine. It is dear to me to preserve the freedom of journalism as a genre, which I see as the collaboration of concise, accurate reporting and creative storytelling. 
I have a strong command of language and decisiveness that will allow me to keep up with the magazine´s fast-paced environment and work efficiently. My qualities of sympathy, insight, and humor enable my cooperation with diverse authors and styles. I would like to support every writer and subeditor flexibly, showcasing assertiveness and adaptability as needed. Journalism should be a close interaction between authors, editors, and artists, whereby communication and organization lay the foundation for creative exploration.
In pursuit of a journalistic career in opinion and literary writing/editorial, I aspire to make journalism, particularly on social and political matters, more accessible to the public. I am currently writing independent, reflective pieces for publishing and work as an editor for a magazine battling hate crime!

Josh Jones

Hey, I’m Josh and I would love to be the Magazine co editor-in-chief next year! Having thoroughly enjoyed being a Pi Opinion editor this year, I would love to further engage with the Pi community to create insightful magazines that resonate amongst students.

Pi Magazine is a beautiful product of the UCL community. As editor, I would aim to showcase the insights and skill of contributors through encouraging journalistic creativity in all its forms. As well as high-quality articles and design, I will seek to include new forms of contribution to the magazine. Whether it be poetry, photojournalism, or something completely new, I would love the magazine to engage with all at UCL.

With experience editing magazine and online articles this year, I also believe that I have the skills needed to co-lead the Pi Magazine next year. Recognising the value of collaboration, I will seek to build a supportive community of writers, editors, and designers. Through working with my co-editor and contributors to create perceptive and creative journalism, I would love to make next year’s Pi Magazine into a wonderful read.

Thank you!

Antara Basu
  • Published on platforms like United Nations NGO Committee for Social Development, Red Dot Foundation, YKA, Women’s Web etc.
  • 2 years as the Editor-in-Chief of my school’s Editorial Board.
  • Worked at 5+ organisations, corporates as a content writer across an array of themes from priority client content to social justice, written for projects such as IWD 2020, Anti-Street Harassment Week etc.

As the Editor-in-Chief in my school, I was responsible for editing, proofreading, guiding students on writing articles, & providing constructive feedback. Alongside, I collaborated with several teams to successfully publish multiple newsletters. Qualifying as the top 15 participants nationwide for the competitive school essay competition exposed me to multiple challenges & how to deal with them effectively. Currently, since joining the society I have written for both the issues of Pi Magazine. As a content developer, I garnered valuable experience writing about themes from gender justice, diplomacy and politics, to technology and social media. I’ve excelled in various training programs & writing workshops & I know that given the opportunity I will do justice to the position. I’d focus on implementing the following.

  • Workshops and training sessions on structuring articles, resources on writing tips and recommendations.
  • More opportunities for the student body to get involved with Pi Media.