Election post


Hey, I’m Josh and I would love to be the Magazine co editor-in-chief next year! Having thoroughly enjoyed being a Pi Opinion editor this year, I would love to further engage with the Pi community to create insightful magazines that resonate amongst students.

Pi Magazine is a beautiful product of the UCL community. As editor, I would aim to showcase the insights and skill of contributors through encouraging journalistic creativity in all its forms. As well as high-quality articles and design, I will seek to include new forms of contribution to the magazine. Whether it be poetry, photojournalism, or something completely new, I would love the magazine to engage with all at UCL.

With experience editing magazine and online articles this year, I also believe that I have the skills needed to co-lead the Pi Magazine next year. Recognising the value of collaboration, I will seek to build a supportive community of writers, editors, and designers. Through working with my co-editor and contributors to create perceptive and creative journalism, I would love to make next year’s Pi Magazine into a wonderful read.

Thank you!