Election post


Hi! I’m Anushka, a current second-year and also a co-editor for Pi Online’s Opinion team. As a section editor for Pi, I’ve worked closely with the Pi committee in Online and Magazine and gained an appreciation for their work and responsibility. Their guidance was a huge motivator for running for committee next year, where I hope I can similarly offer advice and help. Moreover, as someone who has written and edited for Pi Magazine, I understand both the writers’ and editors’ perspectives- I would love to carry that experience with me as next year’s Magazine co-Editor.

My primary aim would be to widen the interactions between writers, editors, and the Pi committee to make sure everyone working on the issue is accessible, through meetings and events/workshops as well as consistent online communication. As much as writing can sometimes feel like a solitary act, I think we can all largely benefit from a more transparent and sociable community. Starting those conversations would also open doors to collaborative pieces and perhaps make way for heavier articles that are best written in a team. I would also like to make space for more creative writing in the magazine. Diversity of voices in the magazine is another goal I would strive for as Magazine co-Editor.

This past year in Pi has taught me an immense amount about journalism and editing but also about the value of a writing community. I look forward to exploring and learning more next year!