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TranscenDance is UCL’s Dance Society’s very own inter-uni dance competition. This year it will be hosted at the end of January with 29 unis from all over England, Scotland and Wales registering their interest to attend. It is an 8 hour event in which different dance societies compete in various genres such as ballet, hiphop, jazz and wildcard! 3 well known and highly skilled judges will be on the panel and even performing after our lunch time break. The highlight of the event is the freestyle; everyone including dancers, audience members and volunteers can share the stage. This takes place right before awards are handed out (there are even audience awards !!). It is a great event to garner interest in the society and really connect with others dance societies, especially in London.

Buy merch hereTranscenDance Competition Merch | Students Union UCL

Info pack now available

Wheelchair accessible
Family friendly

Swearing may be found in music.