Book tickets

Are you passionate about sustainability and want to make UCL more sustainable? Here's your chance!  

Join us on 25th January for the Student Sustainability Forum, where you can hear the updates on the UCL’s brand new Sustainability Plan and contribute your ideas to its development. Now is your chance to make your voice heard! 

The event will be facilitated by Mary McHarg, our Union Affairs Officer, who will gather student feedback.  

Group discussions will be led by UCL’s Sustainability team, so there is a chance to hear from them directly about what UCL is doing, what’s to come and give them your ideas.  

Join the discussion about energy and carbon, responsible consumption, biodiversity, education and research. This event is the perfect platform for you to ask, learn, and make your voice count.  


Date and time: Thursday 25 January, 15:30–17:00 

Venue: 642, IOE, 20 Bedford Way, UCL  

Please note this event is in person only, to facilitate meaningful discussions between our staff and students. You don't have to know anything about sustainability to take part - it's free and open to all!  

Wheelchair accessible
Family friendly