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'I am proud to be leading the process for establishing an inclusive and supportive community at UCL East.'
Dania Posso Hernandez (MSc Leadership and Management) is one of UCL East's first student officers. Alongside Peter Kanyike (whom she shares the role with), Dania has been working to create a vibrant student community within an entirely new campus!
'I could not encourage trans* students at UCL more to join the network'
Harper Taylor-Hanson (Natural Sciences BSc) has achieved great things as our Trans Officer this year, including the organisation of a fascinating and insightful lecture series in Term 2.
'I have had the chance to shape UCL's environmental policies'
Laura Dewhurst (MSc Science Communication) has been working hard towards a greener campus this year as one of our Sustainability Communication & Engagement Ambassadors!
'I had the opportunity to educate the next generation'
Sarah Makhmudova isn't just a first year BSc Psychology and Education student - she's been volunteering for years, and has carried this on alongside her studies at UCL!
'We established a family amongst the committee and made some incredible memories.'
Anniereetha Moses (Chemical Engineering MEng) was the Treasurer of Engineering Society (2022-23), one of our departmental societies and our largest STEM Society!
'I am passionate about making a positive impact on the environment and society.'
Aleksandr Ignatev, a first year BSc Population Health Sciences student, is a Sustainability Community Ambassador who has been working hard to encourage the UCL community to be more sustainable!
'My work with Pi and as Student Media Rep has been invaluable.'
Nell Wedgwood, a third year Linguistics BA student, was President of Pi Media and your Student Media Rep for 22/23. I joined Pi at the start of my first year, but I felt too nervous to actually get involved or write anything for a long time.