Book tickets

We are hosting our Hockey Varsity at Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre on the 16th of March 2024. The Women's game shall start at 6:15pm and the Men's game will start at 8:30pm. Spectators can arrive from 5:30pm onwards and there will be a bar and food available in the evening. Friends and family are all encouraged to attend as the Varsity event is one of our event highlights of the year. 


Please ensure you bring your e-ticket to the event so that we can check the tickets. For further information or any issues during the evening, please contact us on our Instagrams (@uclwhc and @uclmhc) or the staff on site. There will be security, first aid and paramedics present throughout the event, and any inappropriate behaviour will result in the individual being removed. 

Wheelchair accessible

Please get in touch with us for more details accessibility information. 

Family friendly

The Varsity series is a great opportunity to get the families of the players to attend, however families must be aware that there is alcohol available to buy at the event and to be mindful of that. If there are any concerns, please get in touch with us.