Before you complete the form

We want all of our members, customers and everyone who deals with Students’ Union UCL to be happy with their experience. However, if things do go wrong, we want you to be able to let us know.

Before making a complaint, we recommend that you take a look at our Complaints Procedure (Insert link to web page and bye laws)

This form is for making a Formal Complaint under that policy. A Formal Complaint is appropriate if:

  • you have already discussed your complaint informally with a member of staff, and aren’t happy with the response you received; or
  • you feel that your complaint is so serious that it cannot be dealt with informally.

The Union and the University take all complaints regarding bulling, harassment and sexual misconduct. These complaints must be made through the University’s “Report and Support” to enable these to be investigated appropriately.

Filling out the form

When submitting a formal complaint, please complete all fields and submit here.

You can also post a physical print-off of the form to the Leadership Team Executive Assistant at Students’ Union UCL, 25 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0AY, or hand in an addressed copy to the Students' Union UCL Advice Service.

Any data submitted as part of this complaint is considered as consent for processing. If we need to share your data with a third party (e.g. the University) we will seek your further consent for this. For more details refer to the Union's Data Protection and Privacy Policy.

If you need support in submitting your complaint, please contact Students' Union UCL Advice Service or UCL University Support and Well Being.

Submit a formal complaint

Required field
Please describe your complaint as fully and clearly as you can, attaching any additional information/evidence on this form.
Attach any document or image relevant to the complaint.
One file only. • 2 MB limit. • Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp. • 50 MB limit per form.
Have you raised this complaint informally with any member of staff or in any other way?

Your consent

I would like Students' Union UCL to consider my complaint and declare that the facts stated in this application are true. I understand that:

  • You will need to handle personal details about me which may include sensitive information (for example, relating to my health) in order to deal with my complaint effectively.
  • You may need to exchange information about my complaint with other persons within Students' Union UCL and external organisations such as the University.
  • Students' Union UCL is the data processor and will process my personal data in accordance with the Union's Data Protection and Privacy Policy and the relevant laws and regulations.
  • If Students' Union UCL wishes to transfer personal data to a data processor not listed on the form, Students' Union UCL will need to seek separate consent for this.
  • External transfer of personal data will be undertaken through approved security arrangements such as Union's Data Protection and Privacy Policy, its data sharing agreements with third parties, and/or sent only to the intended addressee.
  • I understand that Students' Union UCL may retain data relating to my complaint for a specified term in accordance with the Union's Data Protection and Privacy Policy.