Election post


Hi, my name is Shiven Arora and I am a first-year Mechanical Engineering student and I would love for the oppurtunity to become outreach executive for investment society. As a passionate and driven individual with a strong background in finance and a deep appreciation for the power of investment, I believe that my skills and experiences make me an ideal candidate for this role.

The role of outreach executive would involve expanding the society's reach, increasing member participation, and creating a vibrant and engaged community. During my internship at Sony Pictures Entertainment, I was assigned a project in which I had to present creative strategies that would help Sony to target unviersity students to purchase their products. Using the skills I gained from this experience, I could help the investment society to increase their outreach. 

Furthermore, I was elected to be head of student voice during sixth form. As part of this role, I was responsible for ensuring that the opinions of the student body were represented during decision-making processes. Therefore, I possess the leadership qualities that make me well-suited for this position and I will strive to represent the suggestions and concerns of the investment society's members. 

Lastly, I am a first-year representative for Punjabi Society this year which has developed my communicational skills and I am responsible for promoting the society through social media marketing and society fairs.