Election post


My name is Frank Yang, and I am thrilled to be running for the VC Executive position for 23-24. I bring a unique blend of experiences from EdTech, social entrepreneurship, and specialized knowledge in VC financing and valuation, honed through summer learning programs.

Here's my focused plan:

  1. Robust Fundraising: Leveraging my background in advanced understanding of financing and successful records in sponsorships and partnerships in other societies, I aim to significantly enhance our fund’s capacity. 
  2. Enhanced Deal Flow: Utilizing my insights from EdTech and Social Entrepreneurship, coupled with my vast knowledge of student societies, I plan to attract and rigorously evaluate a diverse range of promising startups, ensuring a high-quality deal flow.
  3. Fair and Impactful Selection: I'm dedicated to a transparent and equitable selection process. My approach aligns with a keen eye for founders' passion and societal impact, ensuring we support ventures that offer both social and economic returns.

My ambition is to build a solid grounding of the UCL Entrepreneurs' VC Fund as a staple in the UCL entrepreneurship community now that we run on an actively-"investing" model, distinguished by its healthy funding sources, strategic deal flow and impact.  . 

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