Election post


Who am I and what have I done before arriving at UCL?

Hi, I’m in the 3rd Year of a dual degree between Sciences Po Paris and UCL! I arrived at UCL in September (specialisation International Relations).

I have had some international-based work experiences (internships):

- Office of the French Secretary of State for Development and International Partnerships (with head of cabinet and substantive advisers)

- Office of the French Minister for Transport (with diplomatic adviser)

- International working group of a presidential campaign staff (France)

- Collective “I support Ukraine” (reception of Ukrainian refugees)

I am also a journalist at the society’s “Diplomatic Review”!

What can I bring to the society?

It would be an honour to bring my motivation, network and projects to the heads of events team

■ With the network I developed through my experiences, I have projects of high-profile speaker events on:

Development in Africa

Adaptation to climate change

International response to the war in Ukraine

- Diplomat's experience of the presidency of the EU Council

- Events with MEPs on numerous topics.

⇒ In addition, I will send forms and polls so that you can choose topics.

■ I will propose to the team a new event format: DIPLOMATIC BREAKFASTS with diplomats in restaurants (2/month). Small groups better for networking

■ Continue to develop "Pizza and politics" discussion events on topics you chose before via forms.

Newsletter for internship opportunities.