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Kaito's story is a perfect example of how UCL students can use their initiative to make a real difference. If you think you could rise to the challenge as a Project Leader, check out our Student-Led Volunteering Programme. 

14 Quick-fire questions with Kaito Mizukoshi  

Sum up your role in the project... 

I organise events and concerts, play the piano and violin to those who would not otherwise get the chance to be introduced to classical music.  

What are you studying at UCL?  

Management Science BSc  

In one sentence, explain what UCLef is...

We’re a collection of passionate classical musicians who wish to contribute to the community by delivering genuine classical music.

Why is this project so important to you?

I was inspired by a famous violinist, who is doing a very similar thing. I wanted to disseminate music - we are fortunate to have talent, and we should use it for good. 

Where do you perform?  

In elderly care homes. 

How do you know you've made a difference through your performances?

After our Christmas concert when some of the residents came to us and said they were very emotionally touched by our music. They said that they were feeling sad, and isolated due to the pandemic and their life being on halt, but that our music delivered a moment of joy. I felt very happy and proud that we could so clearly realise the essential aim of our project which is to make people feel content through music. 

How many students do you perform with? 

There are normally around five musicians. 

Tell me about 3 day-to-day aspects of the role?

  1. Organise the sessions.
  2. Manage our concert schedule
  3. Keep in touch with our partner organisations. 

Volunteering highlight?

Whenever we perform in front of an audience! We’ve held two concerts already and it felt so great creating that shared moment with the audience. 

Most challenging aspect of the project? 

Managing to complete our pieces before the concert... and fitting it all in around everyone's schedule! 

How much time have you dedicated to volunteering? 

1-2 days a week 

Biggest skill(s) you've gained from being a Project Leader? 

Project management, leadership skills and time management!

Why should more students get involved? 

Do something else alongside your academic life - it'll make a huge difference.  

Best advice you'd give someone thinking about being a Project Leader? 

Just draft your idea and give it a shot. There’s a lot of support available - realising your dream is worth all the trouble. 

If you think you could rise to the challenge as a Project Leader, check out our Student-Led Volunteering Programme.