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Join us on our first medieval lecture this term!

We are happy to welcome Prof Andrew Reynolds, a Medieval Archeologist, with us and find out more about the techniques and resources used in the archeological research today.

Medievalists constantly battle with the relative value of different source materials. This paper examines how a wide range of evidence – archaeology, charters, legal texts and poetry – can be effectively brought together through the medium of landscape and the study of human attitudes to social ‘others’. The paper draws together an increasing corpus of human burials found outside consecrated space and examines these in spatial and temporal terms to throw new light on much studied textual sources. Overall, the paper provides a methodology for revealing one of the darker aspects of Anglo-Saxon society.

WHEN? - Wednesday, 2/2/22 at 5pm

WHERE? - Jeremy Bentham Room (The Main Building, under the Main Library)

HOW MUCH? - The event is free! Just get our membership and get your free ticket on this site.

In case of any other questions, message us on social media or here: [email protected]

Wheelchair accessible
Family friendly