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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run15 Mar 2024
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running8
Available position1
Total ballots34
Valid votes34
Invalid votes0
Round 1
Ishanvi Arora [17429]3.00
Sejal Jain [18761]7.00
Victoria Jun Shie Yew [19249]10.00
Abby Wincey [19547]3.00
Ayesha Malik [19610]3.00
Darshana Kottaisamy [19753]5.00
Bella Zhang [19810]3.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 17.00. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 2
Ishanvi Arora [17429]0.00
Sejal Jain [18761]7.00
Victoria Jun Shie Yew [19249]10.00
Abby Wincey [19547]3.00
Ayesha Malik [19610]3.00
Darshana Kottaisamy [19753]6.00
Bella Zhang [19810]3.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Candidates Ishanvi Arora [17429], Abby Wincey [19547], Ayesha Malik [19610], and Bella Zhang [19810] were tied when choosing candidates to eliminate. Candidate Ishanvi Arora [17429] was chosen to be eliminated by breaking the tie randomly. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Ishanvi Arora [17429] and RON (Re-open Nominations). Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 16.00. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 3
Ishanvi Arora [17429]0.00
Sejal Jain [18761]8.00
Victoria Jun Shie Yew [19249]10.00
Abby Wincey [19547]0.00
Ayesha Malik [19610]3.00
Darshana Kottaisamy [19753]6.00
Bella Zhang [19810]3.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Candidates Abby Wincey [19547], Ayesha Malik [19610], and Bella Zhang [19810] were tied when choosing candidates to eliminate. Candidate Abby Wincey [19547] was chosen to be eliminated by breaking the tie randomly. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Abby Wincey [19547]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 15.00. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 4
Ishanvi Arora [17429]0.00
Sejal Jain [18761]9.00
Victoria Jun Shie Yew [19249]10.00
Abby Wincey [19547]0.00
Ayesha Malik [19610]0.00
Darshana Kottaisamy [19753]6.00
Bella Zhang [19810]0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Ayesha Malik [19610] and Bella Zhang [19810]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 12.50. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
Round 5
Ishanvi Arora [17429]0.00
Sejal Jain [18761]9.00
Victoria Jun Shie Yew [19249]12.00
Abby Wincey [19547]0.00
Ayesha Malik [19610]0.00
Darshana Kottaisamy [19753]0.00
Bella Zhang [19810]0.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
All losing candidates are eliminated. Count after substage 1 of 1 of eliminating Darshana Kottaisamy [19753]. Transferred votes with value 1.00. Since no candidate has been elected, the quota is reduced to 10.50. Candidate Victoria Jun Shie Yew [19249] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winner is Victoria Jun Shie Yew [19249].


Victoria Jun Shie Yew

Out of all my societies, WinF stood out the most. It is empowering to be part of a community as supportive and non-judgmental as this one. I am driven to run for Events to foster the same accepting and encouraging culture and cultivate a conducive environment that will help all of us intelligent women at UCL advance our careers and experiences.

My vision: 

  • Promote cross-institutional networking through collaboration with LSE, Imperial, and KCL’s Women in Business to host joint events.
  • Advocate for physical networking and office visits by utilising current and future sponsors and partners
  • Earlier internship panels to raise awareness for spring and summer internship opportunities
  • Upscale interactive and engaging events to encourage collaboration, participation, and active learning
  • More career workshops to hone interview skills and writing CV skills to maximise job opportunities

My experience as the first-year rep of UCL’s Statistics Society means that I am familiar with the responsibilities of this role. My previous leadership experiences have honed my skills of adaptability, organisation, and time management, which would translate seamlessly into overseeing events for WinF. 

I would be honoured if given the opportunity to work with other talented women in WinF to build new connections and promote a shared commitment to empowering women in a traditionally male-dominated industry as your Head of Events for 24/25! <3 


Abby Wincey

Hi! I’m Abby and I’m excited to be running for the Head of Events position of WinF.

This past year, as a member, I’ve had valuable opportunities to network with professionals in the Finance industry in career office events, and have enjoyed meeting like-minded, driven young women, all of which has enabled me to develop a deeper understanding of the industry. The WinF events have inspired and given me a well-grounded foundation of what the Finance industry entails, and the relevant career paths associated with it; as such, I would love to inspire and encourage future female talent, by being a part of WinF and running as Head of Events.

As Head of Events, I aspire to:

  • Work alongside the committee to create events that focus on developing skills (soft/technical), through mentorship schemes and workshops, such as the GAIN programme.
  • Collaborate with other societies within UCL (such as FinTech, Business Society), as well as other WinF societies across other universities, to host large conferences with panel speakers and networking opportunities.
  • Physical networking sessions with office tours and chances to take part in case studies.
  • Organise fun social events, such as pizza/karaoke night, and painting socials.
  • Encourage and empower young women in their careers.

As a friendly, organised individual, I hope to work hard with the rest of the committee to coordinate events that will inspire and help future female talent. Thank you for taking the time to read :)

Ishanvi Arora

My involvement as a first-year representative, welfare officer and mentor in the women in finance society over the last 2 years has deepened my interest and passion to contribute to this society. I plan to make changes in the committee's current work. I hope to use our foundation and enhance it to ensure the Women In Finance Society is the place for any girl looking for a career in finance. I also aim to increase the socials we host to ensure that all members get adequate chances to network and meet like-minded individuals.

In an already male-dominated industry, it is important to empower each other and this society is a start in the right direction.

Here's why you should vote for me:

1. Elevating Our Society: I'll enhance our foundation to make our society the top choice for finance careers.

2. Empowering Your Success: I'll provide resources and support to help you thrive in finance.

3. Expanding Networking: More social events mean more chances to connect with others in the field.

4. Your Voice Matters: I'll advocate for ensuring our society meets your needs.

Together, let's make our investment society the best it can be.

I appreciate your support.

Bella Zhang

Dear Members,

I'm Bella Zhang, a first-year psychology student at UCL. I am excited to announce my candidacy for the position of Head of Events in the UCL Women in Finance Society, driven by my passion for finance, and a desire to further contribute to our vibrant community! My experience in organising financial-related events has equipped me with the leadership and organisational skills necessary for this role! I envision a series of innovative events that not only engage our members but also extend our network within the professional finance community, providing unprecedented opportunities for growth and development.

My commitment to society's mission is unwavering, and I am excited about the possibility of leading our event planning efforts to new heights, ensuring our events are inclusive, impactful, and reflective of our shared goals "Educate. Equip. Empower".

Please vote for me!


Darshana Kottaisamy

Having been a FYR for WinF the past few months, I have helped organise the Share The Vision conference and have gained insight in how the events team work together. The events team play a key role in the functioning of the society in terms of handling the logistics of the events and this has enabled me to define the vision I have for the team:

  • Increase the number of events that happen in collaboration with other UCL Finance related societies and also with the societies across London universities
  • Planning more informal socials for members to contribute their learnings with other members and gain knowledge as a group
  • Collaborate with the sponsorship team to have more events in regard to having sessions to develop the professional skills within members
  • Working to create a bootcamp series which enables women to learn technical knowledge from some of our sponsors

Having actively participated in various organisational roles, I believe I would be a good fit for the role:

  • Having previously led a team in a past research project as part of the ORBYTS Project in UCL leading me to have good communication and delegation skills
  • Presenting and planning pitch decks in past internships which allowed me to develop great delegation skills and be great conflict resolver whilst maintaining the vision for the society

As Head of Events, I truly believe that my passion to empower women has led me to run for this role and I hope my skills will allow me to succeed.

Ayesha Malik

I am standing for the position of Head of Events for the UCL Women in Finance Society because I am deeply passionate about fostering a supportive and empowering community for women in finance. Throughout my academic and extracurricular journey, I have recognized the importance of creating spaces where individuals can connect, learn, and grow together. As someone who believes in the power of events to facilitate networking, skill development, and inspiration, I am eager to leverage my skills and experiences to curate meaningful and impactful events for the members of our society.

Furthermore, I am committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion within the finance industry. By spearheading events that highlight diverse perspectives, celebrate achievements, and address challenges faced by women in finance, I aim to contribute to the ongoing dialogue and efforts towards a more inclusive and equitable future. Through strategic planning, creative thinking, and collaboration with fellow society members, I am confident in my ability to design events that not only educate and empower but also foster a sense of belonging and solidarity among our members.

In summary, I am standing for the position of Head of Events because I believe in the mission of the UCL Women in Finance Society and am dedicated to making a positive impact on the experiences and opportunities available to our members through engaging and thoughtfully curated events.

Sejal Jain

Hi everyone! I’m Sejal, a BSc Economics student, running for the Head of Events. My journey with UCL WinF has been nothing short of transformative. The warmth and inclusivity that radiates from our community have left an indelible mark on me, inspiring a deep desire to take an active role in shaping its future.

In the upcoming year, I aim to embrace unity: elevating internal connections alongside external networks. While the society offers external networking opportunities, it lacks significant internal connections. Recognising the need for a robust internal network, my events will emphasize building lasting connections within our society that form a supportive network extending beyond graduation, complementing external connections the society already offers.

If elected some of my niche plans include: -

1. Peer-to-Peer Investment Game:

  • Create a virtual investment game where members form teams and invest in mock portfolios.
  • Monitor the performance over a set period and award prizes for the most successful portfolios.

2. Financial TEDx Talks:

  • Organise a mini TEDx event focused solely on finance.

3. Implementing a Weekly Internship Application Bootcamp:

  • During the internship application period, weekly mentor-led classes providing comprehensive guidance for members, from CV writing to mastering HireVue interviews. I feel it's necessary to extend support beyond the formal mentorship program, ensuring every member receives the necessary assistance.

Thank you,

Sejal Jain