Election post


I am running for Events Director to enhance your Singsoc experience with EASE. Here's what I bring to the table:

Efficient Planning:

  • As a detail-oriented planner, I ensure clear communication among all stakeholders, delivering impactful results with minimal lag time.
  • As a Junior Committee member, I proposed for the set menu during the Christmas Lunch at Franco Manca, demonstrating my ability to create a hassle-free experience for members through strategic budgeting and planning.

Attendee Engagement:

  • I prioritise listening to the voices of event execs and Singsoc members to understand their event preferences.
  • Support each event sub-comm where needed while empowering them to take the lead.

Strategic Coordination:

  • Proposing small-scale, low-cost events and activity nights for a more relaxed and inclusive atmosphere.
  • Collaborating closely with the EXCO, I aim to organise our major events (Orientation, Boat Party and Spring Ball) with minimal hiccups, drawing on insights from past event heads.
  • Establishing connections within the KILU Network to offer networking events such as KILU scholar sharing.
  • Actively engaging with UCL Societies to foster collaboration, creating opportunities for cross-cultural experiences and diverse events.


  • Facilitating open communication between members and the events team through feedback evaluation to identify areas for improvement and enhance overall event experiences in future.

Be part of the change, Vote Sarah with EASE!