Election post


Hi everyone, I'm Saran and I am running to be volunteering officer! I believe that this would be an extremely rewarding role, enabling me to organise events which put the principle of 'seva' into action. We are extremely blessed and I feel this is easily taken for granted and so would be honoured to have the opportunity to help give back to those less fortunate through volunteering with organisations such as Gurseva and by organising events such as Langar on campus. I'm extremely passionate about helping others in any way that I can. Being an FYR this year has meant I have learnt what is required to be part of a comittee and feel I am well suited for this role as have key skills such as organisation, communication and fundraising. I participated in NCS in which
me and my peers raised nearly £1000 for a local mental health charity via a sponsored walk and bake sale and I would relish the opportunity to be able to achieve similar successes as volunteering officer. I would love to be able to make a difference and help spread the values of Sikhi.